Please advise how you would handle the following lousy credit report if it were yours. (I'm getting conflicting advice on whether to file for bankruptcy, negotiate with credit card agencies, or what!) PS, this isn't mine, I'm trying to help a good friend. 1. Civil Judgment for a little over $7,000. Entered 10/2001. 2. Charge off for a little over $700. Closed 05/2001. 3. Charge off for ~ $5,700. Closed 03/2001. 4. 90 Days past due, $285. 5. Dentist Bill, placed for collection. ~ $1,300. 09/2001.
KCPaul, Thanks for responding! He doesn't make all that much, maybe $30-35,000 a year. He lives on his own, and pays about $750 in rent and I think he said his truck payment is in the $300's, like $350 or so. Then he pays insurance, and the usual utilities. If I remember right, after taxes he brings home maybe $425 a week.
The civil judgement I would dispute as "not mine" with cra and see what happens. all collections under 1000, I would do the same. I would not dispute the large one, because they may come after him for judgement since it is a large amount. I would dispute 90 days past as 'never late" or "not mine". I would send validation letters to the ca and for dentist bill. that is just to start. what cra is that score from? he should check scores from all three!