Hi guys, I have reached the point where I have disputed items over and over with the CRA's and have gotten good results but as you might have guessed some just stick like glue! Along with disputing each account with the CRA's I have also sent the OC's my letter or full dispute and validation of the account, even though I understand the OC isn't required to validate. They are however required to list the account to the CRA's as in dispute by me. I have not had one CA or OC list an account as in dispute to a CRA. This didn't happen once but more then several times I requested dispute by the CRA and OC over these accounts. The OC's are obviously willfully breaking the law as I have even written to them their violations but they keep right on verifying and no dispute is listed yet. Another fact I might add is that all the OC's I've written to have completely blown me off. No letters sent to me yet, but I have plently sent to them and their signature proving such. As you might have guessed I have begun the process of advising them of my legal action I am taking against them. I am currently suing 2 collections agencies at this time with 2 court dates next month. I have no problem filing suit and would have no problem proving facts and their willful violations of the law. My question is.....Do you think the judge is going to think I'm a bit of a frivilous quack filing all these suits and appearing before him monthly over this?? Even though I will be able to prove my case do you think he's going to get to a point and freak out "Judge Judy Style" on me?? I am probably going to file 5 other suits within the next 30 days if these people don't comply. In PA I must file in the jursidiction I reside which means the same judge every time. what do you think? Thanks! Tac
Dear Tac, Don't worry about it. After you notice them on your intent to file some will settle. Then when you do file and send a case number and have them served a cpl more will settle. You'd be lucky if you actually had to appear in court with more than 2. Hopefully,
I think that if the judge is fair he would judge the case on its merits. The CA has violated the law, and its in black and white. He may have even been the target of a CA or has had a family member that has been duped by one. He probably even paid the CA off, because he didn't know the law or his rights. Most people don't think that they can get a CA account deleted, because they don't know the law. I would like to know how many attorneys really know the FCRA, FDCPA , FCBA or the Truth in Lending Act. I bet people would be surprised. Charlie
Thanks for the replies... Charlie, I can tell you from talking to 2 lawyers that neither new jack shit about FCRA, FDCPA or anything else relating to credit for that matter. Just to have them research what I already know to get my answer would have been $150.00hr!! When I told them about the laws they were impressed and one stated...."You seem to have done your homework on this...I can't answer any of your questions until I go over what your exact issue is" Basically I then went over the procedures for filing a lawsuit myself, which they did tell me free of charge. As far as wanting to know specifics on FCRA, FDCPA, etc..... We know more then 99% of most attorneys already! Tac
Hey Tac, That's why I NEVER pay an atty. to do legal research. "Look you already went to law school and I pressume you are supposed to know the law already. If you need to learn or relearn the law I suggest you go back to school." Now if they need to research case law that's different but I will not pay them to learn what they should already know. THAT'S WHY I CAME TO YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Amazingly I've never had a lawyer disagree with that.
Exactly my point, that's what the CA"s and CRA"s are banking on. It's criminal. Butch, I sent you an email the other day. Have you had a chance to review it? Charlie
Thanks Butch. I appreciate it. You and Sassy are giving me a fishy complex. Everything is starting to have a fish smell. Charlie
Uhmmm...well I'm going to disagree with it...lol. Unless you go to an attorney who practices that type of law, he/she likely won't know the answers to your consumer protection questions. If you have a brain tumor would you go to a psychiatrist for treatment??? Of course not. Both are doctors and went to medical school, but you wouldn't expect him to operate on you. Law school doesn't teach everything, although they do teach you how to do research...lol. L's two cents.
Attorney's have specialties just like doctors and other professionals. It is not true that they know all laws off the top of their head, and it is correct that law school teaches to research,interpret, and give advice about laws.
That we would go to a lawyer in the appropriate field was implicit in my remark. I'm not so stupid as to pursue an international contract atty. and ask him about my divorce.
LOL sorryyyyyyyyyyyy charlie, You said above Butch and I were starting to give you a fishy complex ;-). I am a pisces, splashhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Sassy
I'm Sagittarius. Good or bad? They get along with fish at 1st very well.............then they eat em. Charlie
Saggit!!!!!!!!! that's very good, they've great sense of humors and us fishies only have to splash on you if you plan on frying us instead of baking ;-). Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyy charlie! Sassy
Sassy, How far are you from the fires? I'm not very smart, so what is the frying vs baking part? Charlie