Genesis Financial

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by chelsys, Jun 12, 2002.

  1. chelsys

    chelsys Active Member

    I NEED HELP. I have been dealing with these people since April to no avail. Here is the story: I saw genesis financial on my TU and Experian credit reports, and sent them a 30 val. letter. They sent me a letter with the acct num, my address, ss#, bal. and OC. This letter also stated "they were attempting to collect a debt" etc. I then sent them a 15 day val. letter and another request stating that the info they provided was incomplete and did not prove I owed them anything. The responded back with the exact same letter that they sent before, and a few days later I got another letter from Tina Carter (she has been mentioned on this board) saying why was I just now disputing the acct, etc. and they declined to validate further. I then sent them a letter giving them 48 hours to comply or I would report them to everybody and their dog, and I also included a copy of the FTC Wollman opinion letter. I never heard back from them. Then I filed with the BBB, the FTC, the American Assoc. of Coll. Agen., and a letter to the Att. G. of Tx. (my state and theirs) and sent them this information. That was on 5/22/02. I have yet to hear from them, but when I got my most recent Equifax report, which they never appeared on before, they have now placed themselves on it. What gives! They never even listed the acct as in dispute with TU or Experian before and now they are on another one of my reports. Before I attempted validation I had never heard of these people. I have a copy of a petition that I can use for a suit, but can I just send them that or do I have to go to the court house first? I am so pissed at these people I could scream. Please help. Thanks, Chelsea
  2. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    Do a search on here for Genesis and you'll get quite a bit of info. Also, you might want to check out the message board on - there's a very current thread on this in the Q&A section, under the one "Is this CA Operating Legally?" You might find that quite informative and interesting to say the least.

    I am leaving my email on - as I am dealing with them as well, so feel free to contact me.


  3. Goaldriven

    Goaldriven Well-Known Member

    They recently appeared on my report too. What's happened with your fight?
  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    If you want to get the stress out of your system for the weekend call them and ask them "Why don't you abide by the law (FDCPA)" I did this on a Friday cause I was pissed off and the 3rd person hung up on me. It made my weekend. I never raised my voice and they are a total joke outfit. Charlie

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