Re: Providian took another beating. IMO, everyone knows what Providian does. The whole discussion has taken a silly turn. They gave me a chance too, and they haven't done me wrong, but I still know what they are and what they do. I don't think Saar needs defending, LOL, but if he did, I would defend him. For new folks on the board, on the off-chance that Providian does "give you a chance" watch them like a hawk, and don't ever get yourself into a corner with them by having high balances with no place to take them, because PVN will pin you there and take you to the cleaners. They are only good to folks who don't need them. And that's in hopes that you will eventually pin yourself into a corner. All CCC's do this, but Providian does it more, that's all. It's better if you see reality, not your dream world, LOL. It pays to know the game, the rules and the other players. PS -Are you guys on steroids or something?
Re: Providian took another beating. Fat Jake, I'm surprised to see you defending them. A few days ago you posted that you asked for a grace period on a card you've carried for two years. Instead of looking at your two year history and doing something to keep you as a customer, they just closed the account. They are repricing people to 30% and using the same derogs that the got approved with as the reason for the new terms. There are articles all over the web that describe the tactics they use to screw their customers (and investors). Granted they give higher credit lines than most subprime companies, but it's not because they are concerned about giving customers flexibility or a second chance. I'm not trying to start anything, I just think that as far as providian goes, the bad far outweighs the good. Saar, I have always enjoyed reading your informative (and entertaining) posts. You contribute a lot to this board; your posts educate and empower us.
Re: Providian took another beating. My, my Saar. You have to be desperate to Highlight in Red the DOC. You can not take any criticism. My post, is and was, as sarcastic reply to a thread. You took it out of context. You are not always right, case closed. Exchanges are good. Not everyone will dance to your tune. Why get offended? I would, suggest in the future, you ignore my posts. Also, because your good friend Randy is not posting, who cares? He left voluntarily and I think he is free to come back. Further, I would advise you not to change MY posts for your immature nonsense. I did not post in RED. I hope you have this straight, pal. H
Re: Providian took another beating. The red highlighting is a result of bringing up a post from a search list for that word, as opposed to clicking on the thread directly. I don't think Saar went out of his way to alter or highlight anything. <hurriedly rushing out of the crossfire>
Re: Providian took another beating. I don't care how "good" Providian has been to some people and I don't care if my rate got boosted to 30% after 3+ years of perfect payments, ALWAYS well above the minimum payment or not (and it did), but 30% is usury no matter which was you slice it. There is no justification for it and there should be laws against it. No bank or financing company could get away with that and credit card companies should not be able to either. Bankruptcies are at an all time high, but the sentiment around our office is that it is hard to feel sorry for companies like Providian who charge such ridiculous interest rates. I laugh to myself each time I add Providian to a bankruptcy petition because in my opinion, they deserve whatever they get. STANDARD DISCLAIMERS AND YMMV APPLY. L
Re: Providian took another beating. Thanks you for the information. I am wrong on the posting and admit that fact. Sorry Saar for stating you changed my post H
Re: Providian took another beating. I was greatful that Providian gave me a chance to rebuild. As I used my $300 Gold Visa card, started receiving regular huge increases (for a fee I might add), and examined the progress others where making w/ them on this board, I started to get suspicious. It all just seemed not right. Why is it Providian was handing out $1k increases like CANDY but Citibank would not give me an increase on a 10 yr old PERFECT PAYING HISTORY account??? For a brief moment my Providian APR (16.9%) was LOWER than Citibank (19.9%). I just didn't get was all too suspect. As of today, now I have to wonder if it was a set up from the jump????
Re: Providian took another beating. No problem, BigH. As for your previous post, if you ever see me posting anything incorrect or inaccurate (which is bound to happen at one frequency or another), I urge you to take a stand and set the record straight. I do make mistakes every now and then, and it would be to this board's benefit if you point them out so that we can all learn from them. As for the blue blood, the only way I can ever be associated with royalty, is if I change my last name to PAIN Saar
Re: Providian took another beating. Advice well worth taking and as usual very, very, very well put by Breeze! Tuit
Re: Providian took another beating. Saar, Good job. Someone needed to say exactly what you said. Providian may have been "good" to some people a year or two ago, but made many of them worse off then ever with their dishonest repricing policy.
Re: Providian took another beating. Breeze, Personally, I'm not on steroids. I'm on blood. I need blood to survive. And guess who's sucking my blood at the moment? Providian.
Re: Providian took another beating. I got my rate lowered from 23.9 APR to 16.9 APR way before Providian got in financial troubles. It was very easy for me to get the 16.9 APR fixed rate. I just spoke with retention and explained that I have a Cap One gold card with a 15.9 fixed rate and he said he cannot beat that rate but could offer me 16.9 fixed. I told him to lower my rate and I will remain a Providian customer. To this date I have the 16.9 fixed rate. I called customer service about a month ago and asked if my account was going to get hit with the 29.9 fixed rate and the lady said yes and I told her Providian is crazy. I called a week later after venting my anger and spoke with another rep and she said that my rate is going to stay at 16.9 fixed.
Re: Providian took another beating. Dear Members, You are free to expound your position as you see fit but please refrain from deliberately insulting one another. If you are going to disagree with others consider doing so respectfully. Doing otherwise merely jeopardizes the affable mood which generally prevails on this board. Sincerely, pbm
Re: Providian took another beating. That post I wrote was not to vent or to flame at Providian. I just wanted people to know that the old days of PFBing and threating to cancel your cards to get results are not here. I was looking to off-load one of my cards anyway so they made the decision for me. Even though there problems I think it's a good company to rebuild with. I can't imagine new accounts are getting the 30% treatment. So I still think that it's a good card for rebuilders, still rebuilding. For all you guys who are NOW prime and wasn't carrying a balence. So what you lost a little avalible limit, and maybe some age on an account but you guys can probabaly get something much better to replace it.