Has someone sent a letter to a bank in the following situation where ALL of these apply: - asking to re-open a cl (or at least give some of it back) - after paying in bits and pieces and eventually paying the account in full - after the account was 60-90-120 days due and closed by creditor - AND the account never went to coll. I have such an account with fleet bank CC that had good history for 3-4 years and then went late and was closed by fleet. I was still paying smaller amounts to the bank directly. Notice this account never went to collection. The account was opened in beginning of 97 and had good standing till 2001. So it makes grounds for asking the bank for cl and opening the account back. My mistake was that I never asked fleet to give me a letter before paying it in full. Please share your thoughts (or links)
They will for sure pull a hard inquiry, so is you score up to their standards? I imagine you had a drop in your score (being late and all). But if your financial picture looks better and your report is OK then maybe. Also, if there is a good reason for being late (medical etc) that may help. Keep us posted!
TU is 589. Reason for late was extensive travel and change of address(es) during that time. A hard inq. is, to some extent, understandable but how will it be different than applying for a new CC with fleet? After all I had 3-4 years of good standing with them.
can I at least ask the bank to change the account status from "closed by credit grantor" to "closed" or something like that which will turn this negative item to non-negative? the problem is that this is an old account that went bad and if i get this deleted, i lose long established history.... please see if you can help.
Re: How to reopen closed cl with fl chargeoff, You can call their customer service number (800)492-2500 and they will transfer you to the credit department. They will tell you whether your account can open or not. By the way, is your account paid off ? They will definitely pulled hard inquiry from Experian report. keep that in mind and they will not open your account becausr it has been closed for a long time. Ron.
Re: How to reopen closed cl with fl Thanks a bunch for responding, Ron. The account has been completely paid off and shows up on the EQ file as PAID ACCOUNT/ZERO BALANCE. However, it still shows as "ACCOUNT CLOSED BY CREDIT GRANTOR". That is a problem. The account has been closed for about a year now and I recently paid it all off. So the zero banalce is the latest activity on file and that is why I am thinking I have some leverage with the bank because I have recently paid it off. If I do not ask them to re-open the account, just change the account status as reported to the CRA to "ACCOUNT CLOSED" will they pull a hard enquiry even then? I do not think I have scores good enough for fleet to approve a new cc so I want them to change the status to ACCOUNT CLOSED. Thanks again for the response. I am not sure what to do with this account. I will definitely call the bank on Monday. Thanks.
Re: How to reopen closed cl with fl another point is that i also have an associated checking account with fleet that is current and has decent balance with them - the checking account also has a credit line which fleet has been relegiously reporting since 4 years and i want them to continue reporting the credit line - meaning i am not in the position to go for the litigious nutcase kind of a letter. plus everything looks good on this account now except for the "BY CREDIT GRANTOR" part....
Re: How to reopen closed cl with fl Ron, You are right, I just called them. She was a real b****. Basically anything that I said, her response was the account was closed and it cannot be reopened, we closed it, we have the right to do this, that is how it is suppoed to be reported to the cra's, you cannot change anything, bla bla... did not want to start monday morning like this. oh well. i tried telling her that i am trying to change the situation, working on making a better relatioship etc. but she did not listen at all. so this is for sure, they are not going to do any of the following: a) open the account or b) chage the way it is being reported (at least by a phone call) should i still go ahead any try verifying the account through cra's? thanks in advance.