Here is where my judgement situation stands right now. It is over 5 years old, which I know it means little, being that it is a public record now. I am about to send a final letter to a manager that may or may not help me out on this. I have several questions for anyone that would know. Does the OC have the authority to delete a public record from your credit report? 2. Does a garnishment go on CR? And does it take a lot for a garnishment to be established? I know that have to know your employer and things like that. But I think it would be hard for them to go that route, I work for an international company with over 40,000 employees. 3. By paying the 2300.00 judgement that is over 5 years old, and if not deleted and just read satisfied, will it have an impact on credit scores? Anyone with any information or input is welcomed. Thankyou.
1. No, they only way to make a judgment like it never happened would be to have it vacated. There are plenty of posts on this board about that. 2. Yes, No, its not hard for them at all. They established to right of garnishment when they files the judgment. They will file the garnishment in the county that you work in (at least in GA they do) and send the paperwork to your employer's Legal or Payroll dept. 3. Not sure, but I dont think it does.
Thank you Love, does anyone know if the time period would start over again or will it still come off 2 years after the judgement was filed? And Love, to your knowledge, the OC does not have the right to delete the public record off.
Just to chime in, I am currently paying a judgement from a company that tried to garnish my wages. The Marshall came to my office to serve me. At the time I worked for an international company with over 60,000 employees in several countries. So, if they want to, they will find you. Granted my judgement was for a much larger amount than yours($14,000), so it was definately worth it for them to find me. Just my thoughts/experience. Good Luck
Did the garnishment go on your CR? I am really not trying to avoid this, I would like to pay it. It is just that I would like to be informed on whether or no the OC can have it deleted, even though it is public record. How old is your judgement?
the judgement is a public record and is reported by the court. the court can remove it by having it vacated .. the only other notation is paid/satisfied or released. Have you disputed the judgment? I have had several removed by simply disputing with the cra!
Before you fool around with an existing judgment,you should check the CURRENT status of SOL for judgmnts in your State. Many States have changed, or are in the process of changing their requirements for judgments,as a part of that some judgments that are on record have to be refiled by the originator to be valid.That is why some original filing creditors are sendng out "privacy statements"for you to sign so they can legally get your credit reports and the information they need to refile.
I live in FL right now. The judgement was filed in VA. I went to this website that said that the SOL are 6 years from the date that the judgement is filed. The judgement is 5 years old this month. The site that I went to was a little confusing, but I think that I read it correctly. If you have an easy site that can be checked, I would be interested.
I don't have ANY idea what you were looking at in terms of Va. judgment SOL- it is 20 years,and is not due to be fixed anytime soon. HOWEVER,your creditor who filed the judgment against you in Va. has until Oct. 2003 to REFILE against you in Fl. at which point it will be good for another 7 years. In order to do that, they need your ss # LEGALLY OBTAINED with your permission signed. If they do not refile by 10/2003- There IS NO VALID ENFORCEABLE JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU IN FLORIDA.Of course, if you still have identifiable assets in Va., they could go against them. So, if you wait 1 year and 4 months, it will be off your credit report(7 years) and unenforceable. FLORIDA STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS (IN YEARS) Open Acct.: 4 Written Contract: 5 Domestic Judgment: 7 Renewable Foreign Judgment: 5 if not recorded in-state
No I don't have any assets in Va. Could you tell me with certainty if they can reintroduce this to my credit report with a different filing date? I really want to clear the judgement up, but the OC has really put a bad taste in my mouth. I wish that they could have expressed some type of leniency being that I was living in FL when the judgement was issued and when the papers were served. They maintain that in VA, they are able to serve the papers at my last known address. This was when I was 21 years old, I couldn't afford to fly back to VA for a court date I owe them the money, but they are not taking into account all the circumstances.
Leave this sleeping dog alone. They CANNOT refile against you in Fl. without YOU telling them your correct name, address and ss # and their being PERMITTED to pull your credit report to verify the account info.In any case, if you have a family in Fl. and qualify as head of household, you are exempt from garnishment.
Let me ask you this. I was talking to the person that handles the account for the OC. He said that he was looking at a copy of my credit report and proceeded to tell me things that were on it. Are they allowed to do this. I also have them as an inquiry with Equifax.
Once you send them a cease and desist they would have no qualified reason to make an inquiry on your account as it is not a permissible purpose once they are stopped from collection activities.