Show me where I have gone after you like Kerry did. You know lb, you are realy losing it. More and more people are putting you on ignore, and pretty soon no one will read your posts. I haven't done it yet, but I'm getting close.
I'm not complaining that my score is only 699 (for those that may have misunderstood). I just figure that when these two items come out of investigation status yet again (for the gazillion billionth time), they (EQ) will srew it up--YET AGAIN--and my score will be somewhere between 650 and 680 (depending on the time of day and whether or not the FICO monster is in a pissy mood). My complaint, as it were, is that the 699 is temporary. As I said in a post a while back, I hit 705 early in the year, only to drop back to six-something-or-other; therefore, my membership card to the 700 club remains a temporary pass, written in pencil, subject to change on a whim. My whole point is this: 2 items--one of which isn't reporting THAT incorrectly, but still gives me the option of disputing online "NEVER PAID LATE"--the other being a 60 day student loan late from 1995--these two items taken out of the FICO equation result in a 40+ point hike. That's the irritant--it's not like I was a 30 day late on my mortgage in April or something. My conclusion? FICO is more hooey than a mathematical predictive model--that's all I'm saying. Gotta love a sirloin medium well. David
David, I don't mean to hijack your thread, but something doesn't seem right here. I just pulled up kerry's other posts and this one seems to me to be somewhat out of character. I wonder if the poster in this thread was really kerry, or was someone "borrowing" kerry's computer which, like ours, stays logged into CreditNet. I hope someone will check with kerry next time she posts to see if it's possible that she wasn't responsible for this post. I'd hate to see a newbie trashed with her next post if she doesn't have a clue as to what happened. Then again, if it WAS her, "totally uncalled for" was right on the money. DemPooches
I understand the post came from the same computer. My point was that our computer stays logged into CreditNet all the time. If either of us posts, no one knows which one is the poster. If a houseguest sat down at the computer and pulled up CreditNet and called you guys a bunch of "lowlife deadbeats" the comments would be logged to our account and we'd have a bunch of ticked off CreditNetters after our collective Pooch butts. (Of course, we'd ultimately be responsible, but I would imagine we could apologize and explain and there would be no hard feelings.) If kerry's computer stays logged on to CreditNet too, someone else could have posted and kerry would never have known it. I'm not defending bad behavior, this just struck me as a strange post in light of her others, that's all. DemPooches
sorryyyyyyyyyyyy charlie, A nasty goob playing on the dark side is a rude *******. I don't like cussing online for all the world to read. I could do font art, he he he, how's this: (_o_) Sassy
Hey that's clever!!!!!!! An automatic asterick insertion, LOL LOL. Now I don't have to worry about pbm or my mother reading along ;-). Sassy
Maybe kerry needs to take this test. Is kerry a he or a she? I know a male kerry. Why hasn't kerry responded? Charlie
David, Did you change your name from lbrown59? Charlie ========================= What kind of a silly remark is this? Davids post didn't have a thing to do with me.