Does disputing open a can of worms

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tac14033, Jun 21, 2002.

  1. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    I have noticed over the last several months of disputing and being sucessful that I have been getting a large volume of mail from collection agencies for same accounts. I immediately send out a validation letter when I am made aware but some of these CA's without sending me anything yet, have reported collection accounts on some of my credit reports. It seems to never end! I have also noticed that some perviously deleted or unadded accounts are now reappearing back on my credit reports. It seems for every 3 I get removed 1 new one reappears?? Do you think the credit bureaus are letting these people know you are trying to get over on them??

    Do you think causing dispute activity on your credit reports somehow alerts furnishers to come back and hound you again?

    I was contacted via phone the other day by a collection agency who wanted me to pay on a debt. I stated I sent you a validation letter and you are to cease until you validate. He replied...."Good luck buying your home! and laughed" he then hung up.

    I can notice by the inquiry that he must have seen the inquiries for home mortgages listed.

    This burns me up!

    But I know I will have the last laugh!

    What do you think?

  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Has this particular CA pulled a hard or soft inq. on your report(s)?
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Call the CRA that is reinserting and ask a supervisor to "cloak" the account. That way it'll be taken care of. Charlie
  4. T-Man

    T-Man Well-Known Member

    What does "cloak" the account mean? I'm having the same problem.

  5. RoundLake

    RoundLake Well-Known Member

    My guess is that these are very recent accounts - is this the case?
  6. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    I think the dispute process sends alerts. Since I started I have been receiving more phone calls and even got a collection letter for an account charged off more than 10 years ago.
  7. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies....No these accounts are mostly from 1997/1998 with only 2 credit card chargeoffs in the last 3 years still being reported. It seems like I will get a credit card charge off deleted only to have it placed back on my credit report by an unknown collection agency. I then have to call the CRA and get the address of the CA Furnsiher to send a validation letter to them. I am not aware of what cloaking means?? I recently got a BankFirst chargeoff deleted off my TU report and BankFirst re-inserted it under another account number. I called TU and they said "Yeah we can do that it's a differend account number, you'll have to dispute it with them." I said "I'm going to dispute it with you, I've never had this account number and from what I can see from a previous report I have in front of me all of the information is duplicate except the account number." I told him "You will not be immune from my lawsuit if you fail to comply with the FCRA" He stated I could dispute this now with him, which I then did as well as send BankFirst an intent to sue letter.

  8. smogtek

    smogtek Well-Known Member

    I started my dispute process the end of April.


    Yeah, right! I know for a fact that the CRAs give the new address to the CAs because this notice came preprinted with my new address NOT the old one.

    It makes it so much easier for the CRAs to verify when they give the CAs the info either before or at the same time the are trying to verfiy. WHAT SCUMBAGS!
  9. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    In other words he lied???

    Make a detailed report of that convo and send it CRRR to TU.

    Get a recorder folks. You can do it for $30. This is too important not to. Not to mention most of their violations occur as soon as they open their mouths and violations is what you're after.

  10. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member


    I'd love to get the tape recorder thing but in my state of PA, that is a big no-no!! Serious jail time for offenders of the states wiretaping laws. I can however record with their permission. Yeah like thats going to happen. They just now gave the police permission to tape car stops.

  11. solowfico

    solowfico Member

    Unfortunately, yes it does! I just disputed items in my Equifax report, and for my efforts they re-aged accounts and dropped my fico score a whopping 20 points!!! Needless to say, the battle has just begun...
  12. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Good point Tac,

    However tape it anyway, just don't tell them. Then, When encessary, you can sit down and transcibe the convo. under the auspices that you;

    a) Have a great memory
    b) Take fantastic contemporaneous notes.

    No laws against that.

  13. Mrei

    Mrei Well-Known Member

    It happens to me also, from that day after I moved, whenever I dispute w/ CRA, I NEVER NEVER give them my new address., only PO boxes & cell phone number...
  14. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    When you move and put a change of address in at the post office, anyone can find you. And, if you ARE applying for credit, your new address is on your credit report. Either way it is not hard to locate you.
  15. Mrei

    Mrei Well-Known Member

    the change of address is forward o my PO box, and with the SXXXty score I have, I wont apply any credit card too soon. BUT is true what you said, is not hard to find a person when they try hard, my home # is listed in the dam yello page & websites, not to mention you can buy all the person's info on the web..
  16. tinaboo

    tinaboo Well-Known Member

    I'm in the process of cleaning up my credit to apply for a mortgage. I was told that you should never apply for a mortage first then based on the results try and clean your report. ONce the CA see that you have applied for a mortage from you CR, they make your life a living hell. They won't settle, and they are hard to negotiate with. If you try to settle with them, they offer you a larger settlement, because they know that you are desperate and will do almost anything to get a mortgage.....
  17. solowfico

    solowfico Member

    That shouldn't happen! That sounds like a violation to me. In order to know that you had applied for a mortgage, they would have to pull your report, and you hadn't given them permission. Am I wrong about this anyone??

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