O.k. so here's the deal... I had a cell phone w/ MCI Wcom....long story short their billing department is all scrrewed up and was not crediting my account for credit card payments that I made, thus resulting in my phone being turned off repeatedly. I was also a part of a group discussing on my local news involving others that have been victimized. 1 day before the taping I got a call from MCI Escalations Offices. They wanted to negotiate with me. Bottom line was after all that was said and done, I had a small remaining balance of $160 some odd dollars. They said as a courtesy that they would cut it in half. Due to the man hours I logged in dealing with them, I thought it was fair that they wave the WHOLE fee. If you calculate the hours, THEY OWE ME MONEY! I expressed this to the gentalman that I was dealing with and I told him that I basically wanted them to LEAVE ME ALONE...END OF STORY. 2 weeks ago the news ran an update on the MCI story and what was currently going on w/ the memebers that participated in the group discussion. 2 days after that I received a call from a lady in MCI's Escalation department. She called me on my cell phone (I'm no longer a customer by the way and haven't been for 4 months) and I told her that I would call her back when I got to work. I called and no answer. I didn't leave a message either. Then this morning (about a week later) she calls me again. I guess it must be the NY time difference but once again I was on my way to work (it was 7:45am) and I told her that I'd call her once I got in. I called and spoke to her and now they are saying that I owe them half of my remaining balance. I basically told her that I wasn't paying them NADA! Then she threatened to raise it back up to the full amout of $160. I told her to do what she felt necessary...but I still was NOT PAYING ANY MONEY...PERIOD! Here's where it gets Credit related. I noticed that at the end of April (according to Privista) MCI Wcom pulled a soft inquiry on my report! I'm still hot about that. My question is this...can I send them a C&D letter telling them NOT TO contact me anymore and if any negative info is placed on my credit that I will sue in court (which I am FULLY prepared to do)???? Side note: I did tell her that I had a lawyer if she wanted to direct further inquiries to him. She declined to take his number. Sorry so long but please help me. I have worked SO HARD for 2 years now to clean up my credit. I don't want to see it all flushed because once it's on there, it will be very difficult to remove. Should I just say screw it and pay them the $80...that is if they are still willing to accept it???? I just want to be DONE with these people. They have harassed me for OVER A YEAR now and I'm tired. Thanks for listening and sorry if there are spelling errors, etc. I am at work and have limited time!
Hi MP! I am sorry you had to deal with all of that...that sux. I would say send the C&D and CC: your lawyer. I would also include that if any CA (or other company) contacts you, or places negative info on our report, in relation to this debt, that you will sue. I feel for you...they should have waived the whole amount...I mean it's only 80/160 bucks. -Peace, Dave
Thanks for your input Dave. I'm totally sick over this whole incident. If I was to go home and count up all the man hours I've spent on dealing with these idiots, they would owe me money. I just want to be left alone. The stupid lady that has called me twice has already costed me by using minutes on my cell phone during ON PEEK times! See....and they wonder why there are so many *loose cannons* (i.e. frustrated consumers) running around out there. This is the sort of stuff that makes me wanna just.......I better quit.....but you get the picture!
This company HAS to be the worst in the business. I honestly do not know how they are still in business. I to recieved a bill from Jan in May. When moving (I discussed my move with them before getting service) I was told that they could not reprogram my phone and I needed a new one. I was already upset at this point, because I was told that there would not be a problem. For the next 3 months (yes 3) I called EVERY business day trying to get the new phone connected. They could not do it. They then sent ANOTHER new phone and could not program that one either. A supervisor (Judy may you ROT) told me that she would end my contract because they could not provide me the service offered. Guess what? Last week I got a 200.00 early termination bill. I must have the worst luck with phone companies! Sorry that you have had to deal with them too.
I need the BEST C&D LETTER KNOWN TO MAN right now... I went to the letters discussion and the ones over there weren't good enough. Anyone got a GREAT C&D letter they want to donate to the cause?????
OK, so its been a while... You better move fast cause they may be feeder bait. At least the Worldcom part of MCI Worldcom. (The MCI Group (NASDAQ: MCIT), is an operating unit of WorldCom, Inc. (NASDAQ: WCOM). Their DONE, they just aren't smart enough to realize how much trouble they're in. "Citing sources close to WorldCom's board of directors, CNBC reported that Chief Financial Officer Scott Sullivan -- said was fired over the past 48 hours"(while David Myers, senior vice president and controller, was allowed to resign.) http://www.marketwatch.com/news/yho...o&guid={8F86BD40-3E85-424B-B34A-7D058C3CD76F} http://biz.yahoo.com/rb/020625/telecoms_worldcom_2.html They need money, plain and simple...your money. Sleep well knowing that you personally may end their misery by withholding your payment because of sloppy customer service..... WCOM is bid around .17 cents in after hours. Can you say"Bankruptcy Soon or howabout noon?" VJ
NO YOU DON'T: I can't get Ameritech to correct a 75 dollar returned check charge on 5 photocopied checks they tried to cash.