Experian changed year of birth

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by zb1965, Jun 25, 2002.

  1. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    Today I checked mine and wife's CR from Experian and found year of birth for both of us incorrect.
    Just few days ago and always before it was correct. They made us younger for 1 year. I believe if we apply right now for anything it will be denied because creditors won't recognize us.
    Anyone else got the same?
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Yea...just ask Breeze. She was older than her mom at one point....I told her she must have been adopted as an adult :))

    Singing..."I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.

    You will not be denied anything because it shows you a year younger...But I would call them and dispute it.

    -Peace, Dave
  3. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    A couple of months ago, they changed my SS#, my employment, my residence, and my wife. Try splainin' that one to the missus! (I got it all changed back in a week, BTW, with a very angry Nutcase-type letter, and photocopies of SS card, DL, lease, and paystub.)
  4. Future1966

    Future1966 Well-Known Member

    Shoot, my birthday on EQ is now 01/10/0019.

    Apparently, I'm ancient!

  5. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Shouldn't you be in a museum somewhere?
  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Yup...mine fluctuates back and forth as well.

  7. Future1966

    Future1966 Well-Known Member

    I keep hearing that song in my head... Walk like an Egyptian....

  8. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Too cool!! You are older than your ancestors. :)
    True meaning of the the phrase "older than dirt."

  9. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    Same thing going on over at Equifax for me. I kept sending them my dl and other identifying stuff until they told me that the reason it kept changing back to the wrong birthdate was because a creditor was reporting it this way.

    The rep told me to contact my creditors and see what they are reporting for me. HELLO? Me contact them? I told her it was HER job to make sure my credit report was 100% correct, not mine and that she had better start some investigations. She said that she would start with the ones that had recently reported, including one stupid creditor that had verified when they know I don't owe them a dime. Hopefully, this second investigation will do the trick.
  10. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    Interesting, Equifax fixed this one over the phone for me without any problems. I told the guy on the phone that I really didn't mind being older, but if Equifax really wanted me to be that age then please call my insurance company and let them know and to notify the DMV so that it's all legal like. The guy on the phone laughed for 5 minutes straight and then fixed it over the phone.

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