I have sent them 2 validation letters and also the estople . And I get no response back, during the time I sent the validation leters I received a collection notice and that was it ,I have the green cars and they were signed, over two months now and I have not heard from them its on all three of my reports and they never put it as disputed,were should I go from here??
Have you filed a complaint with your states AG? Or the BBB, FTC, or Dept of Commerce? If not, I suggest you do so. It worked for me when one CA was ignoring my letters. If this still does not get a response from the CA, you could send one final letter, intent to sue, although from your past experience with them I doubt they'd recognize that letter either, and from their, it would be time to prepare your lawsuit against them.
Mindcrime, Is that enough to make a strong case in court? From what I have read, you would also need to prove damages. Is that correct?
Thanks I will try filling a complaint,which one of the places that you mentioned would be the best to start with,I dont want to go to court, not that I dont want to I just wouldnt be very good at it and would like to try anything else first.
Love, Good question. I would think it would depend on what type of damages you're trying to prove. One way to prove damages (actual) would be to just go out and apply for a credit card that you know you'll be denied. So now instead of getting that 0% for 6 months, with a go-to of 7.9%, you have to settle for a card with no teaser, and APR of 14.9%. That's actual damages. I would speculate that once a CA is served papers for a lawsuit filed against them, depening on the size of the debt they're attempting to collect, they may just try and settle with you outside of court, and in this case damages (any type) wouldn't even be needed, nor proved. Of course, on the flip side,(like what you said) (and maybe someone can help me/us out with this), would actual damages be required if the CA didn't try to settle with you before court? Or would the violations of the FCRA and FDCPA be enough, wouldn't the judge (once you prove your case) be obligated to at least give you min. amounts ($100) instead of max. ($1000)
raiderpam, Depending on your state, you may be able to file a complaint online with the BBB. I would start there. Then contact your state AG and/or Department of Commerce. Finally, the FTC. I say the FTC last because they do not assist individual consumers, just take your complaint and wait until they get enough complaints against the same company before they take action.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++ How many billions of complaints do they need to take action? When was the last time they took action.1939? ++++++++++++