I am a newbie, please help. I am trying up my score on my credit report (now 585) within the next year so that I may buy a house in the yr "04. Here's the dilemma and on my CR. 1 collection acct being reported by the Co. itself & the Coll. Agency, how can I get one them to stop reporting? I have made arrangements to pay this off in installments. Also, my student loans were w/ SallieMae, but was sold to ECMC. I have thus consolidated my loans w/ the fed. gov. How can I have SM removed, and the accts w/ ECMC: Equifax & TU are reporting them open accts & as a coll acct, but Experian says closed. All CRA are paid off & have 0 balances. What can I do with these? I have another stud. loan that was included in the consolidation (w/ 0 bal), Experian & TU saying close & coll acct. Can I have it removed? Help Please!
First of all, is the amount of the debt yours, the entire amount? Have you tried disputing this debt on your credit reports? All 3 of your credit reports?
I haven't disputed b/c I know that they are valid, I just want to know since they have been all consolidated can Sallie Mae and ECMC be removed from the credit report as collection accounts.
the only way to get them removed is the dispute/validation route. they will not be removed just because they are paid. you can dispute them as not mine even if they are valid accounts.. if the ca doesn't verify in 30 days they will be deleted.