Countrywide and CR's-Experts! Long

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kozman, Jun 25, 2002.

  1. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    Here's my scenario and I need all the help I can get from you guys!!!

    In 1999, fiancee's now ex-husband continues his psycho, abusive, crazy, alcoholic ways. We all have our problems don't we? She escapes from house with children. Stays out of house and hidden from the aforementioned lunatic until court process arrests him and divorces her from him. Of course this takes 2 1/2 years. Our efficient court system. House has a mortgage with Countrywide. She gets back into the house in late 2000. Ex-psycho hasn't paid a payment. Countrywide says they are going to foreclose. She asks them for any help since she cannot make up almost a years worth of late pays. They work out a deal with her on selling the house but for an amount less than what the pay-off is. The house id FHA. House sells in 3/2001. Her CR states 1-30 day late 1-60 day late and 13-90 day lates and a comment that this loan was settled for less than pay-off amount/account legally paid in full for less than full balance(Equifax) Paid in settlement/foreclosure proceedings to start 150 days as of 5/2000 (Experian) Settled-less than full balance 1-60 day late 3-90 day lates 120 past due in 6/2000(TransUnion) .

    I called Countrywide. They have always been helpful. CSR says they can't do anything since account has been closed. The dept. that assisted her in getting it sold for less than balance due stated that she wasn't sure she could do anything and try disputing with CR's. We've disputed a month or so ago and it comes back verified. This was a FHa loan.

    Does anyone have ANY advice on what we could ask of Countrywide to change on the CR???? We are going to dispute the lates next but with the comments like Settled less than...Foreclosure provceeding started....We don't think it would really matter what the late payments said. She's looking to buy a house in the next few months and this is the only real derog. she has. Please help with this one. I've done wonder for her CR up to this point, all because of this board. Now I'm asking for the big guns to come out and spread the wealth and advice. Thanks again and sorry this was so long. She freaking out today and wanting me to give her an answer before calling Countrywide back. THanks for your time!
  2. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    Bump...bump. Really, just a little help, please:):)
  3. soren

    soren Well-Known Member


    i really feel for you. advice-wise i am much too wet behind the ears to know what to suggest. good luck with this, though...

    <making room for the big guns to move in>
  4. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the concern! It's amazing what other's actions can to do another's CR.
  5. lmckenzie

    lmckenzie Well-Known Member

    Countrywide will not BUDGE on the LATES at ALL, they won't even consider it with the GOOD-WILL Letter your best bet is to wait until the HOLIDAY season and dispute then,
  6. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    Will they verify their information?
  7. lmckenzie

    lmckenzie Well-Known Member

    Yes mostly always.

    Let me tell you what I did and it worked.

    First, I disputed with all 3 of the Credit Bureaus and out of the 3 the only one they verified with was Equifax, the lates were deleted off of Experian and TU, so with Equifax I disputed on line and then waited like 3 or 4 days and mailed the dispute and with Countrywide receivng the disputes back to back they think they are duplicates and don't verify the second dispute and then you have it deleted because they don't respond, this took me about 6 months to have deleted but it's worth it because those lates KILL SCORES.
  8. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    If you don'r mind me asking, what was your situation with Countrywide. How were they reporting you and what was the time frame. Thanks
  9. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Keep disputing with the CRA's. Sometimes it takes 6 or more dispute letters. Charlie
  10. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    I'll do that but the CRA just tell me that the information has been disputed already and they will not re-verify. Any advice? Should I just give it a little time and then re-dispute?
  11. lmckenzie

    lmckenzie Well-Known Member

    I had a few 30's, a couple of 60's and 2-90's and after having that deleted my score went up atleast 100 points.
  12. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    How old were they? Did you eventually sell the house or have the loan transferred? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to compare to my scenario. Thanks.
  13. lmckenzie

    lmckenzie Well-Known Member

    No my case is not a severe as yours, I was simply commenting on the lates that are on the report, I am still a customer of Countrywide this happen back in 2000. But I would say that if you dispute your behind off you will eventually get results.
  14. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    You can bet I will. Thanks!

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