I'm hoping someone can help me out with some info on the relationship between CAs and OCs. Specifically, I have an Amex account in collections that keeps getting bumped from NCO to...no one??...back to NCO with a new rep again to...no one???... because there are times where it seems that NCO doesn't handle the account (if it's assigned to them, still, they don't know about it, apparently). And Amex won't speak to me about it, so it seems like it must be in debt limbo somewhere. Anyway, it's still listing as an Amex account on my credit reports, although I have had to deal with NCO exclusively for the last 8 months. And I have been refusing to do so, except by mail (and to get the rep's name and address when they call), because of their tactics. Originally, I had a rep I made payments to, but was unable to continue when I lost my job. I have sent them one validation letter to the original contact address, but they keep switching owndership around amongst their personnel and offices, it seems. Why would they do this? One rep would stand to make a good amount could they ever collect from me (they can't), so I don't understand this tactic. New collectors call on the account (from different NCOs/diff. addresses and states) every so often. So how do I handle this and the validation process if it keeps jumping all around? How do I find out if Amex owns the debt still, if they won't talk to me out of "breach of contract" issues?!?!? One NCO person told me it was "assigned" to them at one point, but then they said it went back to Amex. Amex never contacted me to that effect, though... On this topic, back when this account was on the cusp of being sent to outside collections, Amex requested a payment prior to x date in order to avoid being sent forward to outside collections. I borrowed money and made that payment near the deadline, but my account was sent to collections before they received it; and when I was contacted by NCO, I stated that I was going to interact only with Amex, since I had made that payment according to their letter. Well, despite all this, Amex wouldn't speak with me. My payment did end up being reflected in my outstanding balance owed to Amex (according to NCO), so I let it ride. Is there anything anyone can think of that I should do to make someone claim this debt so I can get on with things? It's driving me crazy that I can't pin anyone down on this. I can't ignore it and let it age because I still get calls from all over the land. How do you C&D to all those different NCO addresses? Has anyone had to do that? Aaag. Please, bring on the input... Thanks.
it is not your job to keep track of what nco and amex are doing. just send the validation and/or c&D letters to the address that they give you. it is still their responsiblity to verify and/or validate the debt. that is why it is important to keep your crrr green cards as proof that you mailed in correspondence. In addition, when disputing with cra's, ask them for "procedures used to verify this account" they will give you a contact address for the account . (at least they are supposed to) don't get to worked up about this. NCO can track it or not, the confusion could assist you in getting it deleted.
I had the same problem with an Amex account that was referred to collections. Mine went to a different CA than yours, and the guy I originally dealt with was actually very nice. For some reason, my account got switched to a real a**hole. I called the original guy and he told me that they do that -- switch accounts around randomly and frequently, the idea being that a different person may have better luck collecting on the account. Anyway, I requested that the first guy take the account back over, and told them I wasn't dealing with anyone else at the CA. That worked for me. He got the account back, kept it til it was paid, and was a really decent guy. So if there's one person you've dealt with, you might try calling him/her and asking for the same. Another idea that aworked for me -- on another AMEX account that was referred to collections (the evil OSI), after it was paid, there was about 10 dollars left in misc. finance charges, and AMEX kept sending me bills for it. It ended up in limbo land too because the CA said it was paid as agreed so they wouldn't talk to me about it, but AMEX wouldn't talk to me either because they said it was in the CA's hands. I handled it by calling AMEX Cust Serv, and immediately asking for a supervisor. He took care of it. So the moral of the story is . . . they CAN talk to you even if they think it's in collections. You just have to keep calling until you find someone who will, and it won't be the CSR who first answers the phone. Keep escalating it up their chain of command.
wkn and uniondiva, after reading your posts, i feel more focused on my course of action with these guys. so, thanks for taking the time to respond and share your insight and experiences. this has been my biggest issue for a long time & they were driving me craaaazy. gracias.