OK... I disputed one collection account... TU goes and deletes my oldest positive credit card account which I just paid off!!! For no apparent reason! On the flip side they also deleted my only 2 hard inquiries left... Net effect = 7 point drop WTH? Guess it could be worse...
It's still in dispute Love... that's why I'm like WTH? It's not like they sent results and "oh yeah by the way..." LOL they just removed a account not even part of any dispute for no reason... Oh well, I guess the OC will report again next month. It was just weird.
I have bad news for you. Once TU deletes an item,(positive), it will not show up again when the oc reports it. I suggest you contact Mr. Richman tomorrow first thing. I had 4 positive accts deleted from TU over 1 year ago. 2 have still not been reinserted.
When I spoke to the nimrods at TU they told me that even though the OC sent 2 good UDFs (never late) they would not reinsert because it was not on the dispute response form. What BS. Chaulk up anther $1K!!