I was thinking about calling and seeing if the CRA got word from the CA to delete (today is the limit on the 48 hour fax) would they tell me?? Can they see if it has been requested or do you know how long it takes...meaning if they request today will it be gone on CE today or monday??? Thanx for any suggestion.
did you give the ca a number to call you and to fax or send you confirmation of the deletion.... .I really doubt the cra would delete this quickly, I would prepare paperwork and file if they did not contact you by the end of the day.
at the end of my letter I wrote I wanted a reply sent to my address(which they have) postmarked today...didn't want to give them info they didn't have...like my home phone# or email...
Soup- The only bad thing about not giving a fax# with a 48 hour letter is, you are giving them only one option for response (snail mail). If you file on Monday the judge in the case might say you didn't give a resonable amount of time for response. Sorry
oops...this is why I should've posted the letter first...ARGH....so...what do you guys think about me sending a follow up fax today?
CR@P....why do I feel like I bit myself in the A$$!!! OK, can I do something to adjust or should I just wait it out....frustrated and mad at myself...stupid
Soup- Go for it, send a nice friendly reminder, better yet, go to the courthouse fill out the form and fax that along with it. Give your fax number
Ditto KHM... plus, you didn't do anything stupid or the like, so quit micro-managing yourself to that degree, i.e., be nice to yourself -- you deserve congratulations rather than admonition. Doc
Would it be enough to send the friendly reminder without the court papers with an email instead of a fax? OOOOOHHH actually could I send a friendly reminder email??? would that suffice??? I can print out proof I sent it....what do you think?
The reason I said in the letter to reply to the address was because I didn't want to give any info they didn't already have...thought I was being smart...which is why I stated "post marked" by today...and told them I'd be checking the 4 major CRA's....to verify...then file if it was still there on monday morning...
Email may be okay, but you cannot prove when soneone read it. Are you familiar with "confirm.to"? It lets you track when someone read an email you sent them.