I just checked my equifax report because it has been 45 days since my amex inquiry. As of today it is gone. So it appears as far as I can tell that equifax is deleting inquiries at 45 days. BTW, my equifax keeps going up, now up to 727.
I wish I could be that lucky.....I have not had one inquiry from Equifax deleted! What am I doing wrong?
To clarify, I am not disputing inquiries. They are deleting them automatically when they become 45 days old. Why? I have no idea, but I'm not going to ask either. lol
Re: Equ. another inquiry gone, scor Um, hello, Equifax? Yes, hi. This is LKH, and my Social Security Number is 412-xx-xxxx. No, that was 412-xx-xxxx. Right. Yes. Mother's maiden name? That would be Fickocktah. Yes, F as in Frank, I C K O C K T as in Tom A H as in Harry. Fickocktah. Yes. Ok, I was calling today because I can't help but notice that inquiries are automatically deleting from my Equifax report within 45 days of posting. Of course, I like that very much, but I was just wondering why that was happening. Yes. Uh-huh. Right. 45 days. That's right. No, I've not disputed anything. Ok, well I would appreciate that. When do you think the supervisor could get in touch? Ok, well, that would be great. Thanks very much. Uh-huh, you have a nice day too. Bye. Doc
Re: Equ. another inquiry gone, scor ??????Question?????? How do I start to dispute inquiries? With the OC or the CRA or both???
Example I disputed inquiries with Equifax, and they took them over the phone. Experian would not take dispute on inquiry, told me to contact OC. I tried to dispute online with TU by populating the other blank box, and got a letter advising they would not investigate, to contact OC. Example below is letter sent to Original Creditor when CRA would not investigate inquiry. The letter came off the Informal FAQ section, I think that's where the thread is posted, and I modified it a little. (I kept copy of TU response and failure to investigate, though, in case the class action suit goes anywhere.) Sent this letter by CRRR. Waiting on response. To:XXXXcreditor I recently received a copy of my XXX credit report. The credit report showed an inquiry by XXX that I do not recall authorizing. I understand that you must have a permissible purpose before placing an inquiry on my credit file. I am requesting that you remove this inquiry; the presence of this inquiry is negatively impacting my credit score that is utilized by various lenders. If you find that I am remiss, and you did have my authorization to inquire into my credit report, then please send me proof of this by forwarding me a copy of that written authorization. If you are unable to provide me with proof or do not retain records of such authorization, please promptly remove the inquiry from my credit report and send me written confirmation of the removal. I appreciate your prompt response. I look forward to the receipt of the appropriate documentation.
Re: Example that's a great letter. Will you post the results when you get them? I'm interested to see how it works!
Re: Example I disputed 2 inquiries out of 7 with TU and of course got that generic letter about contact the OC. 2 weeks later... ALL inquiries deleted! dates of inquiries: 2-8/2000, 3-9/2000, 1-10/2000, 1-5/2001
All of my hard inquiries on Equifax have self-destructed. I never disputed any of them. I used Doc's Trick to get my Experian inquiries down to just one. If only I could do something about my TU ones.
I just checked my EQU and all my inquiries over 1 year old are gone. My score has gone up 14 points since June 6th because of it. I'd like to know how to be like LKH and get them gone after 45 days.
Re: Example I feel like George. Am I the ONLY one who still has EVERY SINGLE inquiry remain on Equifax? ) Not ONE missing!! -Peace, Dave
Re: Example The only inquiries on my EQ are from after May, 2002. I don't know why this is happening, but I am sooooo glad it is...lol. And for pete's sake, please don't anyone call to find out about this...lol. L
Re: Example I think LKH may be onto something. I have CreditWatch, and I seem to be in the Delete-After-1-Year Club myself (which is a helluva lot better than double that). I wish I could graduate to the premium LKH 45-Day Club myself, though. Doc