Experian Contact will do sumthing?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Kiyi, Jun 28, 2002.

  1. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Is there anyone with some brains at Experian that I can contact regarding information I sent to dispute items off my credit report? Special Services can't do a thing. Customer Service is a joke. One lady said I was using profanity and she was gonna hang up on me, I said No I wasn't, where did you get that? I can play back the phone call and show you. She asked if I was recording I said, yes. hehe I wasn't tho. but oh well.

    Well I need someone that can fix this problem is there anyone at Experian that I can trust to get the job done correctly?
  2. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Anyone peeples?
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    have you talked to carla blair?
  4. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Can I have the information to contact her?
  5. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    You do not want to talk to the "Blair Witch"...Everytime I speak to her, she's always agitated...maybe it's me...maybe it's PMS...I dunno...

    Talk to Ms. Hughes...she's friendlier, at least (note: I didn't say "more effective")..

    Kim Hughes, Specialist (Carla's peer)
    Consumer Affairs Special Services
    701 Experian Way
    Allen, TX 75013
    972-390-4026 direct
    972-390-1680 fax

    However...if you really enjoy getting verbally flamed....here ya go...

    Carla Blair
    701 Experian Parkway
    Allen, TX 75013
    fax: 972-390-1680

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