I want to say thainks to all of you for your suggestions and support w/ my office problems. Things are picking up. I have become a little busier. Patients are responding to my advertisements. Patients are also responding to my whitening specials, insurance referrals etc. With this start I should be able to make my first business loan payment.
Fantastic! yes It takes time for people to see things and let it sink it, they have to see the advertisement a few weeks to a month. Then when they see your office, it rings a bell. I am glad its doing alot better.
Roni, I was wondering how things were going with you! Glad to see that things are going better, the initial "ramp up" is always the toughest, but once you get your client base, they'll be clients for life! "If you build it, they will come" I wish you were in MD, my whole family would be up in your spot! Take care Girl! All I have left is...
Thanks, I ran some reports today because this is the end of my first month. I had very humble beginnings but it was pretty good for being open 3 weeks. I had 12 patient visits so far. I have 24 total patients (seen and scheduled). My production was $1400. I know it doesnt sound like much but it is the other 12 patients that I have scheduled that has me excited. The sad thing is I think I generated 2 30 days lates on my personal credit. I got SO busy I missed MBNA and my student loan payment I think may have been 30 days late. I guess I am hitting the credit repair grind again. But you know I love it.....
girl6, Call CSR for the CC companies and they will probably waive them if you have a decent pay history. If you don't get the results that you want from them ask for a supervisor. Business wise it sounds like things are picking up. Congrats!! Charlie
Glad to hear things are picking up. Too bad about the late pays. You should keep a calendar auto reminder to alert you when payments are due. Yahoo has one. www.creditsense.com
I use yahoo to remind me of payments - it really helps make it easy to manage multiple accounts. Of course yahoo collects information for advertising purposes. It cracks me up, they not purchases that I make for other people and send me ads for stuff I don't buy on a regular basis. Their model is as flawed as FICO's, hehe. They are convinced I am in debt over my head, and need credit counseling.
MBNA has "AUTO PAY" I think you can schedule MANY payments at one time...like the 1st of every month or some such thing... I just made a payment today that is due JULY 4th (WHY A HOLIDAY???)...but it will post today or MONDAY and get charged to my checking account on TUESDAY...
thanks guys. i know these things now. however now I am back to being organized and will not miss payments. things go out of hand before my opening.
Yey Roni! I knew things would start to pick up. Do I gotta fly out there for a *free* whitening session??? LOL...
Good to hear! As to making sure payments are made on time, schedule them to be automatically drafted from your account on the due date. Even the most basic Quicken software will let you set up reminders, and download bank statements in order to reconcile your checking account.
Girl, my friends free whitening turned out "the bomb' I am so upset. I wish I could charge him. He was my guinea pig for my system though. He teeth were 8 shades whiter in 1 hours. He teeth are paper white and I am jealous b/c I dont have anyone to do mine....lol....maybe my girlfriend can........hmmmm
You are going to have so many customers you won't know what to do. Your business is on the road to success.
Roni!! I'm so happy things are going well for you! I have been wondering about you and I'm happy you are prospering. You really do need my name, though!! ~Toothman
One of the best investments I've ever made is purchasing MS Money to keep track of all of my personal expenses and bills. Try it or Quicken, either one can make your personal finances easier to manage. JP
Roni, if you'll allow a quick OT question in an otherwise T thread, lol... Are there any risks to the teeth whitening procedure? Can/does it damage the enamel? My teeth are a couple levels yellower than I'd like, and I've thought about having it done, but I've hesitated. Thoughts? Doc
Risk: sensitivity. some whitening in office systems can be very painful. An example is Britesmile. people flock to get it done but patients need to take Motrin before and after the procedure. What does that tell you? Nerve Damage: We still dont know if these bleaches or lights on the long term damage the pulp (vital nerve tissue). the light I use from rembrandt has VERY LITTLE sensitivity. I feel confident that it doesnt damage the nerve because the patient doesnt feel pain during the procedure. I honestly can tell you that the in office whitening is the best way to go. Even bleaching trays take weeks to work. Rembrandt in office whitening is cheaper than britesmile but it depends on what the dentist wants to charge. I am only charging $299 this month for it and I wish I wasnt. My price will jump to $499 after the summer. My friends teeth look white as chalk. He had very little complaints of sensitivity and hasnt had any problems today. He only said that he is afraid to eat or drink because he might mess them up....lol