I am so mad you have no idea, they call themselves lawyers? Hell they don't even know the law. I can't wait to screw their old nasty balls to the mahogney benches of the courtroom. Also, if you notice I don't use any statutes etc. cause I don't like doing all that work let them figure it out. I already know the law. __________________________________ Adams, Whiteaker, Robinson, Reagan & Young, P.C. Attorneys at Law Suite 200 446 James Robinson Parkway Nashville, TN 37219-1501 Friday, June 28, 2002 RE: Cingular Wireless Account: #0X0X0X Amount: $613.61 To whom it may concern: Since I received â??my final noticeâ? letter regarding the above alleged debt from you, I am going to be upfront about your collection agency, since I have been ignored with any of my previous communication with Ms. Wyxxx 1. This is the only letter I have received from your agency, You didnâ??t give me a validation notice regarding this debt on this first letter of May 27, 2002. 2. You donâ??t have a statement stating that â??this communication is from a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.â? On your May 27th letter. 3. On my Experian credit report, Cingular Wireless is still being reported after two investigations during the validation period. I have yet to receive verification that I, in fact, owe these alleged debts. This is continued collection activity. 4. During the validation period that I initiated on this, the Cingular tradeline was not listed as in disputed by consumer on any of my credit reports. What really gets me is when Ms. Wyxxx called me, I didnâ??t know any of my rights whatsoever regarding this, and after her â??initial communicationâ? with me, I never once received a letter 5 days after our conversation. I told her what I would do and she said she would get back with me on an answer. Nothing else heard from her but this May 27th letter. Basically you can see where this is going, On Monday morning, I am going to the courthouse and filing a small claims suit against your Collection Agency and Cingular Wireless for violations of the FCRA and FDCPA, each violation is up to $1,000 and if the judge rules for penalties regarding my higher insurance costs and credit card interest rates, I will seek to do so. Sincerely, The Kiyi
This is a great letter. Violation... bam! Violation... bam! Violation... bam! Violation... bam! I love it. It's unique in that it doesn't waste their time with citations and legalese (they're supposed to know that anyway, so you don't insult them with it). At the same time, you CLEARLY demonstrate that this letter was written by someone who knows the law, recognizes the violations, and plans to defend on that basis. Great going! This one goes in the "save to hard disk" subdirectory as "Kiyi's Intent to Sue Letter" lol! Doc
What started with the anger is that Cingular supposedly verified with Experian. I called up Experian 7 times yesterday asking how they verified it and why it was changed to (No Status). Plus a few other things too I will mention later. You will laugh when I am through tho. Michelle is special services told me that they change it to No Status cause they don't have the supporting documents to verify it but they don't want it deleted. I about died, She admitted that they could verify it yet it wasn't removed. They have no person they talked to, no proof who they talked with. What is came down to at Experian was on May 29th they recieved my dispute packets with tons of proof the debts were not valid debts. On June 3rd, I called asking why not of the items on my credit report were in dispute? She told me it will be 15 days before it is started cause they were backed up, I said ok as long as its down by June 29th I don't care. That bitch investigated two of those items without me asking for it to be disputed. I called and called, Finally yesterday getting the information I needed. Thanks for those who replied sent a fax to Kim Hughes, in the process, I had a Paid Collection turned into a Paid as Agreed. and a Collection Deleted. I guess it was my ruthless and neverending letters, and phone calls. _______________________ Kim Hughes, Specialist Consumer Affairs Special Services Kim, I am writing this out of total frustration regarding how investigations are taking place with Experian. I sent a letter on May 25th, Experian received it on May 28th, Enclosed were disputes for Cardservice International (now deleted), Cingular Wireless, IC Systems, and Credit Managements Inc. On June 3, I checked my credit report regarding these accounts using CreditExpert and noticed none of the items were in dispute. I immediately called the Services department and asked why none of these are under investigation? I was told that they will start in 15 days cause they are backed up! I said What?! You received the mail packet with all of my supporting evidence that these accounts are not verified. The lady asked if I wanted to investigate these, I said NO, cause it would add 15 more days on it once my letter and evidence was processed. Today is the last day of the investigation and Cingular is verified No way they could of with me. Cardservice was deleted. IC Systems and Credit Management Inc still are under investigate until July 3rd!!!! I never initiated that investigation!! None of my documentation is being read or looked at. I want answers to these problems. Look I am very reasonable individual, 100% fair, I pay my bills. Trans Union and Equifax have both deleted all of these off my credit reports with the same evidence I sent to Experian. I am at my wits end regarding this. I have to pay money to monitor this credit report just so can deal with this frustration is beyond my sanity. Please help me save my sanity! Sincerely, The Kiyi
I am in the same boat with you Kiyi. Experian is killing me. I too have an IC System account (for a $25 vet bill I WAS never NOTIFIED OF!). The vet called IC System to delete and they REFUSED. Then I had the Vet's office manager sign a letter saying that I was never notified of the $25 bill, sent to wrong address, which is all true by the way, sent this letter into EXP and they sent a letter back refusing to investigate. On a separate CA account, I sent EX the letter of deletion from the CA, and they just ignored it claiming it was not enough information to investigate! Both TU and EQ deleted based on CA's letter....but not EX. Not to mention, I know for a fact, that there is no way EXp could have verified a 30 day late car payment, yet it came back verified. I prepaid my car payments a few months in advance, and the car company credited the extra months to principal and not payments, which caused a report to CRA's for late payment. Since, the car company has removed late payments, but EXP still verifies it. Currently, IC System is in validation right now, have an online dispute going. My other CA is pending an online dispute (disputed online after EXP refused to acknowledge CA letter by mail) and somehow or another the car payment showed up in dispute again without filing a dispute, I was going to mail a procedural request for this one, but a dispute showed up?? As far as I am concerned, EX has the rudest CS, has a pattern of ignoring valid disputes, and verifies disputes without actually verifying. I feel every bit of your frustration with EX.
Card Service International Kiyi, what was the Card Service international issue you were dealing with? I have a paid charge off on my report from them that I want off. It's my only negative, and really shouldn't even be on there. I had an account with them for a couple months, then our business went under. We thought the account was closed but after 2 years of them charging us $50 a month against a deposit we made, the deposit ran out. They then charged us $50 for 2 remaining months and finally closed the account. I was never notified of any of this and only found out 2 years later.. Anyway, what is it that they were reporting and what did it take to get rid of it? thanks
Re: Card Service International Yeha thats what they do, the Alleged "Contract" they can't send me as valid proof. Thing that bothers the crap out of me I never once paid anything on this account cause I didn't even know I had it. They said that You have been getting statements for two years. I responded with no I didn't. She basically said you owe us 840 dollars. 20 dollars a month sorry that doesn't add up. Basically I asked, why didn't a flag set off when no payments were made on this account for 2 years? She said that isn't the issue here, I said Yes it is. The issue is this is a bogus debt that doesn't exist, and if you can show me a contract with my signature on it, then how do you expect me to listen to this? I hung up the phone, wrote a letter requesting the contract and they never responded. Basically I took that letter and sent to CRA with the CRRR copies. Rest is history
Re: Card Service International Sounds like you're in a better position than myself I sent them a validation letter, and they actually sent me back a full accounting history, and all the contracts with my signature on them. I'm still trying to figure out where to go next. I think I may send them a letter asking them if they would just delete the charge off from my credit reports, since they fleeced me out of $1300.