What was your score when you got it and how much was your CL? Oh yeah and which CRA did they pull from? Thanks!
Citibank pulls Equifax for me in Florida. I believe you can be approved for Platinum Select with FICO 650+ if there is no adverse items on your report.
Sweet- They checked Experian for me (in Los Angeles) when I applied for Citibank Illumina. My score was 682 I think. I was offered 2.8K but they upped it to 4K because i bt'd 2.5K I applied a month later for an AA Silver with them - got 2.1K which I consolidated to the Illumina for a current total of 6.1K.
Thanks for the responses. My 625 doesn't appear to be high enough for them. Guess I'll just work with what I have.
Not necessarily. Read this thread from top to bottom. I got a total of $13,500 in new cards with a 613 score on Experian, which is what they pulled. This, BTW, was one week after they turned me down for a Cl increase on my existing Citibank MC (they pulled EX that time too). Go Get 'Em!
Question: What kind of negatives did you have (if any) with your 613 score? How were your ratios? Thanks in advance!
650 on Equifax. 1 Paid collection from 5/1997 for $432. 1 90day late on a paid defaulted student loan also from 5/1997. $2800 CL on Gold AAdvantage card.
Haven't gotten the card yet. I should get it this week. They said when I call to activate it, I can BT then. I dunno what they will offer me. Sorry
So it appears that the CITI AAvantage (gold or silver) are easier to get than the Plat (I'm not a newbie but those FAQs really come in handy - thanks for the link to your thread too Quixote!). In the last 6 months, I've had 2 hard inquiries - both for mortgage purposes. They'll be pulling more and I'm afraid my scores will tank. So I'll wait until Tuesday and see if I can get a few more points for being good another month! Then I'll make my decision. Thanks everyone!
Sorry for being a pest Erica, but did you appy online and if so, did you get instant approval? How are your ratios on your other cards?
LOL, You're not a pest. I applied online, not instant. A few days later, they needed to verify my address and phone number. Because of my living arrangements, they couldn't match the phone number to the address. Once that was in, I was approved. When I applied, my limits were the same as they were today, but now they are closer to the limits. I plan on BT off of the others to Citi and closing a couple of the secured ones. Like FCNB with a $225 limit they refuse to raise unless I send in a deposit.
Erica, Congrats on the citi card. I just wanted to give you a warning on the citi bt's. They told me the same thing and now that I've had my citi plat select for 6 months, they still say that a bt is not available to me for some unknown reason. I have tried 3 - 4 times and always get the same answer. So, I transferred my citi balance to Amex, which is a new acct and they offered me a bt. Go figure. Just don't be surprised if they tell you it's not available at this time. I hope they do offer it though. Good luck!!
Thanks, LKH. I hope they offer it too. I actually want to product transfer to the Upromise card. I hope they let me do that too. lol
I'm sure they will let you change to the Upromise. But if they try to give you any crap about the bt, I would tell them that the rep you spoke to a couple days ago said it was available. BTW - How is SS? We never hear from him anymore. Does he have something against us? LOL
SS is good, just busy right now. Alot going on at work. Nothing against you guys or anything. I promise. hehe
I had one credit card, a Citi Classic MC with a $1000 CL and a $983 balance. Not a good ratio. All of my derogs were paid collecections, paid charge-offs, mutiple lates, etc. Pretty ugly, but nothing currently in arrears at that point. Most of the "Paid-c/o" "Paid Collection" accounts had only had that status for six to eight months.