Opinions Re Best Expert Assistance

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Sequitur, Jun 29, 2002.

  1. Sequitur

    Sequitur Member

    Would like your personal opinion on who is the best/most successful professional firm or individual to assist one in challenging the CAs and the CRAs. I have thoroughly searched archived posts and am already leaning in one direction.

    I would like to engage services above and beyond merely sending a dispute letter to a CRA -- I have settled a number of claims with the CAs and am in the process of settling with others. Hence, I need more of a "full service" individual or firm, and I have documented abuses by CA that I would like to pursue (I have both the knowledge and the resources to go all the way with disputes). Costs or fees are not an issue.

    Am interested in hearing about individuals who don't openly advertise and/or your personal experiences. If you wish, please email me privately (just click on login name).
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Why would you want to hire someone at this point? You have already evidently done the majority of the work, since you have already gotten some CA issues cleared? Charlie
  3. Sequitur

    Sequitur Member

    I understand settlement of debts, know how to negotiate with the CAs, and understand the FDCPA fairly well.

    But I am less familiar with the FCRA. Further, I have several "settled" tradelines I want handled and some student loan issues that I am currently negotiating and I want to ensure these negatives are deleted for good. (PsychoDoc gave me some very good information on the paid accounts, and I may ask the experts to incorporate the techniques discussed in this forum.) Finally, I want to engage the services of a professional concerning disputing inaccurately reported items, including keeping track of the paperwork, response or failure to respond dates, sending out certified mail requests, etc. etc. If there is the slightest technical error, I want to unleash the dogs of war. I want to do this once, and do it right.
  4. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    do a search on "lexington" and do a search on "junum"....in my researching old posts the opinions are pretty evenly divided. But you will definitely hear the good and the bad about each one.

  5. Sequitur

    Sequitur Member

    Yes, I saw those posts and they were evenly split. At this time I am not considering using either one of those services.
  6. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member


    I don't understand what the problem you are having with any of the above agencies, if you give more detail you can get FREE help from this forum, don't understand why you would want to pay someone to do it.

    Alot of realistic people are here and enjoy listening to situations that they too might learn from and avoid later. Remember your information is best kept to yourself, are you just tired of dealing with it? I would suggest taking a break.

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