Hi all! I am really new to credit repair, and just petrified that all of my disputes and validations will come back verified, and I will be in credit hell for the next 5-6 years. Has anyone just completely failed??? Were there any other steps to take? Maybe I'm just rambling...right now, 30 days seems SO far away!
i have only been doing my credit repair since oct 2001 and probably have visited this site everyday. i have not seen anyone totally fail. credit repair takes time and diligence and it is really up to the individual if they want to devote the time and energy it takes to do it. i have seen my credit scores go up over 150 pts since i have started and have won a lawsuit against a cra with $$$$. read this board, post questions, you will see a change.
I really don't think so....you hit walls, sometimes brick walls and you have to pull out the chisel and start working chip-by-chip... Look at it this way, you haven't lost anything if that were to happen...you only have one way to go from here!
just read, read, ask questions, and read. I was terrified, too. When the first 10 drop off, thought I was an expert!!!! still have about 15 accounts, but I am pushing along.
MoSystsma Actually there have been some complete failures on this board. However, they are the people that have NOT TRIED. And doing nothing is the only failure you can have. It is like the old saying..."The only stupid question is the question that is not asked." Start your efforts and we will all be here to support you every step of the way...cheering for you when that is what you need...pushing you when you feel that it isn't working...being SUPPORTIVE at all times. Good luck and let the repairing begin. fla-tan
There are too many angles to attack something from to totally fail. I would imagine that some accounts just can't be successfully removed (although I haven't seen them), but I can't imagine there being more than one or two that couldn't be taken care of. With preserverence, it can be done L
Hello MoSytsma , You have come to the right place. Also to get your Equifax score. Sign up for credit watch on Equifax . Itâ??s free for thirty days I think its 70 dollars to keep it after. I'm sort of a newbie myself, the best advice I can give you (quoted from someone else on the board) deny deny deny oh and Deny, Do not talk to anyone on the phone, write letters instead and make sure its certified mail with there signature and date they received it. Buy some file folders and a file holder and make a file for every OC and CA on your credit report. Eat and Sleep the FCRA (I have a copy that has highlights and notes on every page), and all of your state laws for debt collection. Create a Favorite or bookmark (for Netscape users) for all the great information your about to receive. Donâ??t be so fast to file suite (leave that for your backup weapon) There is all types of ways for a CA or OC to go into brinkmanship. In real-estate they say its Location, and Location Location. In fixing your credit its Organization, persistence, and time (This is just my opinion, please donâ??t put me down like someone did a couple of weeks ago, they know who they are) Thank you, jobtimer
Even if the debt is !00% yours, there are always inaccuracies and incorrect information somewhere regarding that tradeline. This is where you start. You can always get either the CRA, CA or OC on an FCRA violation because they are so busy with automated crap that they don't have time to comply fully with the laws. When you get your proof of their violations you can then barter an agreement to delete or be sued on their violations. Some will make you have to sue them and then agree at the last moment. In then end you are getting what you want. Remember you are not suing based on the actual debt itself, you are suing them over their violations of the FCRA, FDCPA or any other laws you know they've broken. I have stated to a judge that If I could only get them to prove the charges they are alleging I owe then I would be more then happy to pay them what they want and what I owe but obviously they cannot prove what they are claiming I owe them and I am not just going to pay them. My incentive and basis for this dispute in the begining was to clear this alleged debt up and make good on anything I might have owed. It is only now due to the willful violations of my rights that I am suing them now based on this. I have used that very same answer to a judge and he was impressed. He asked the Defendant "Why haven't you tried to prove to the plaintiff what he owes you??"........Result......Verdict for the Plaintiff!! Keep pushing and never give up, you will win in the end. I still have a long way to go but I can see light now, where before it was total darkness! Good Luck! Tac
You only fail when you don't try! I was in your shoes with score a tad bit worse. In a little over 6 months, I have a 735! www.myfico.com last year all my score were in the 500's. Believe it the information on the board is priceless and it works! There are a lot of people here who will help you. The key is persistance! Like that energizer bunny you keeping going and going and going ...LOL it works!