Hi All.... I'm still dealing with my situation with trying to file a small claims suit for my student loan. The company that lists it on my credit report is a Non-Profit in NH. (I am in Arizona and will be filing small claims from AZ) MOST companies, even NP's have Registered Agents. I called the Secretry of State in NH and they told me that non-profits there don't have registered agents, and that I would have to go for the Board of Directors. They didn't have that information. Now trying to GET this information is turning into a whole day nightmare. Have any of you here sued a non-profit (most likely for a student loan) and how did you go about it? I did do a post earlier - and yes - I called the organizetion and asked for the name of the president or chairman of their board and was told "they did not have access to this information". How dumb can you get? Obviously, if I serve the wrong person at the wrong address - this won't work. Any ideas on how to track down the correct information? I'd like to thank everyone who replied with how to look for the proper way to do this (Sequitar and Wyspers) - now I just need to find out who and where.... frustrating! Mommy2cats
NH Higher Education Foundation (NHHEAF). They are a non-profit organization in NH. They are the listing on my student loan. They have a website - and I found the Board of Trustees on there. www.nhheaf.org[\url] I've tried ...en working on this one with me. Mommy2cats
This is a strange outfit...its a network of three independent organizations. Will take some digging. I'll try to find something tomorrow. Private foundations have certain filings they have to maintain with the state so that might be a way to track down who you need to serve. Are you sure it is the Foundation arm you need, though? L
Yes. They are the ones listed with the student loan (it's shortened to NH Higher ED on the credit reports). NHHEAF (NH Higher Education Assistance Foundation) is listed on the letterhead in our correspondence with them. Christine and I have gone back and forth with them with all the proper methods. From their website and newsletters, the same man, Rene Drouin, is President and CEO of NHHEAF and one of the other arms of the "network". I appreciate your help! I have been digging and digging and digging and feel like I'm using a wide-pronged fork! Mommy2cats
Hmmmm, weirder and weirder.... I decided to call NHHEAF again and asked if that was the correct address to send a letter to the President of the Board of Trustees. She said, yes - but of NHHEAF. I played dumb and said, "oh, there's more than one organization there?" She said that there was. This time I threw in the word, so who is the president of the Board of Directors. THIS time she said that they DID have a Board of Directors. (yesterday she didn't know if they did and transferred me to someone else). Today, she still didn't know the name and transferred me to another department. Haven't gotten that person yet as I've only gotten their voicemail. (it's probably lunch time there as there's a 3 hour difference between us) I'm really glad I called again - for if I served the wrong person - the suit would be thrown out. Chances are it's a different person than the Trustee. Mommy2cats
Ah... my journey continues.... I called again for this woman and still voicemail. I called the receptionist again and I found out the woman is the secretary for the President for the Trustees, and the receptionist tells me this time, "but I don't think she's in today". Great... I do some more digging and decide to call the Attorney General's office to see WHO handles non-profits and listings. Got a number there - and voicemail! Don't think I'm going to get anywhere too fast.... Frustrating....... Mommy2cats
So glad I can help on a question. Non-profits are required to file an IRS Form 990 which lists the directors and info about the organization. Trusts file a different form. There is a website called www.guidestar.org that summarizes and has images of the forms. I searched on the NH one and found http://www.guidestar.org/search/rep...AZp+d+VgtO532dMX2hODKaaEb6J3Zn2X+Jxb+AQyzAm8= which list the board of directors, chairman and president. You may want to call the place and ask is Joe Blow still the president and Sandy Snitch still the Chairman of the Board? This is a less controversial call and will verify your info.
Oh bless you!!!! Right about now I could jump up and down and kiss you! You have NO idea of what I've gone through to try and find out this information. I tried just about EVERYTHING - even including trying to track down an attorney from NH I used to date. (on vacation like everyone else in NH). You made my day - thank you , thank you, thank you! (do I sound happy?) Mommy2cats
Thanks to everyone that has helped on this - I appreciate this so much! Hopefully if anyone else has to go through this - all of this will help. This may come up for those who have problems with Student Loans. I had also called the AG's office, Division of Charitable Trusts, and the woman also called me back. She was very nice (first person to be so). She verified the information and who I have to serve. She also added that I needed to send them a copy as they monitor all non-profits. Mommy2cats