Chevron & Macy's Key Contacts

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Quixote, Jun 29, 2002.

  1. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Alrighty then. Cap1 just deleted the two paid collections listed on all six of our CR's. I can see the finish line from here. All that's left is two paid collections. Chevron is reporting on EX & EQ. Macy's is reporting on TU. My scores all mid 600's now, so I'll be able to get the mortgage done (according to my loan guy), but I'd like to see if I can bump them some more.

    Does anybody know of any reasonable person inside of either of these organizations? Someone like a Mr. Cooke who might be persuaded to do a goodwill deletion? If so, please either post or e-mail me the name and direct dial number.

    Thanks to everyone for all the help along the way and Thanks In Advance for your help now.
  2. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    For Macy's I used PFB and sent my goodwill to Mr. James Zimmerman, CEO and it worked. Maybe try PFB for Chevron too.
  3. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Great idea. I don't know why I never thought of that.

  4. javan

    javan Well-Known Member


    I guess I had to much to drink last night LOL! I've sent so many PFB's I've gotten confused!!

    I got the contact info from See below:

    James Zimmerman, CEO
    7 West Seventh Street
    Cincinnati, OH 45202
    513-579-7000 Phone
    513-579-7185 Fax

    and I recieved the following response yesterday:

    Thank you for the letter addressed to James Zimmerman regarding your Macy*s account. Since this office is directly responsible for customer service, I have been asked to respond.

    I appreciate the time you have taken to write us about the late payment history on your account and to request a revision of this tradeline on your credit file, as suggested by our Customer Service representative. I apologize for any inconvenience you may have been caused.

    After careful review of your account and as a one-time courtesy, I have requested deletion of the derogatory payment history on the account and updating with the credit reporting agencies. The account presently reflects a current status with a zero balance. As it may take up to 90 days for the information to be cleared from your credit file, this letter will serve as notice that these agencies have been notified to update their records.

    Mrs. "javan", thank you again for contacting us and giving me the opportunity to respond. If I may be of any additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Randi J. Phillips
    Executive Liaison
    (800) 517-2386, Ext. 3376

    sorry about the confusion ;-)
    good luck
  5. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Thanks Javan!

    I'll get that sent out tonight. Think maybe I'll fax it to speed things up. Any E-mail address included?
  6. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    Nope, unfortunately not. Good luck!
  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    The Cap One thing you had was it a paid chargeoff or settled or just a few late pays? I have a settled CO with Cap1 and MrCooke was only willing to mark it an R5, I offered to pay the difference but he didn't know how much it was.

    Any advice?
  8. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

  9. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    It was two paid chargeoffs. They had been willing to go to R5, which they did. But, in the detailed report, though the balance was accurately reported as being zero, the current status said "120, 150, 180 days past due" depending on which report I was looking at. That was what I kept harping on. For reasons I'll never understand, Cap1 was just incapable of correcting those notations. I gave Mr. Cooke about ten chances, because I knew he was making a good faith effort; never doubted it. But, mortgage day is coming, and I finally laid it down for him; delete or meet me in court to discuss the wonders of Nelson v Chase Manhatten. They chose to delete.

    So, advice; hmmm. Cap1 is probably the toughest nut to crack of any of the major OC's. They verify every single time. They'll produce your signature from nine years ago (ask me how I know!). The one saving grace, two actually, is that they have someone who will deal with you in a civil manner, and they have a major disconnect in the information flow between departments that coan work to your advantage; it certainly worked to my advantage. So, I guess the best non-specific advice I have for you is to simply keep engaged with them. If it's about the R5 thing, great; that's what I started with. In fact, getting those notations changed to R5 (which is a fully paid charge off, BTW-- there should be no difference to pay off) is what caused all those erroneous 120-180 day late notes to start showing up, which gave me the excuse to keep calling and asking for more. The best advice I can offer is to really scrutinize your Cap1 tradelines and make them cure any little defect you may find. Hopefully, this will lead to the same path I found myself on, which is long, but it has a very happy ending.

    Good Luck!
  10. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the insight. I am actually afraid to dispute again.Cap One has LDOA on EQU and TU as 1/98 and on EXP 8/98, The ACTUAL LDOA is 4/98 (it is the month I opened it and never paid on it)

    So for 2 reports it shows open date 4/98 and LDOA 1/98 (kinda impossible eh?), while on EXP it says open 4/98 LDOA 8/98 (scheduled on record til 8/05).

    Now I don't want to run around spewing case law, when I really don't know (or understand) it. Did you use the I'm buying a house and this is delaying the process approach?

    The last time I spoke to Mr Cooke was April, because it was being reported as open, but currently past due $1.

    I have tried to draft 100 different letters to Mr Cooke explaining the difference in dates and the affect it's having on my credit abilities, but each one gets more threatening than the last, and that's not the route I want to take.

    Any advice? Thanks!
  11. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Before I forget; what's LDOA? Left for Dead On Arrival?

    I have to say that in my experience, Mr. Cooke responds to kindness and sincerity. I never did anything in writing with him, other than follow up e-mails, faxes, etc. In every case, I found him to be as good as his word. I simply discussed the situation, made reference to the negative impact this was having on my credit (recent cc turn downs-including Cap1- I did that just to prove the point), the implications of Nelson v Chase Manhattan were brought up several times. But I did it all in a very non-threatening way.

    Finally, I said words to this affect to Mr. Cooke: "Look, if I wanted to sue, I already would have, because I've got all the evidence I would need. I've got notes from every time we've spoke, just as you do. I've got copies of cc turn downs and my CR's every week for the last seven or eight months while we've been trying to get this straightened out. I've got six different CR's that are still reporting these two accounts five different ways, which have all been confirmed in disputes within the last 90 days. So, really, if I wanted to sue Cap1, there's nothing to stop me, and I would win. You know it and I know it. Capitol One is on the wrong side of the FCRA on this one, despite your honest effort not to be. But, I'm running out of time. I have to qualify for a mortgage within the next month, and I just can't have those 120,150,180 day lates on my CR's when I'm trying to get a mortgage. You've tried several times (at least eight by my count). If you try to correct them yet again, what makes you think you'll be successful when at least eight prior attempts have failed completely? I'm certain your mother taught you the same thing mine taught me; 'If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all'. For whatever the reason, Capitol One is incapable of saying anything nice about me on my credit reports. Maybe it's time Capitol One considers saying nothing at all. Today is Friday. I'm going to call you back on Monday. I would like you to consider the potential costs involved of your two potential courses of action. You can go ahead and make another attempt at correcting the tradelines, and, hey, if you're successful, I'd be happy, because old paid collections aren't nearly as bad as current 180 day lates. But, again, what makes you think it will work this time, when it hasn't so far? The other course, I recognize, goes against Cap1's grain, but it cost nothing; cut your losses, quit wasting time on this, and delete the dang tradelines from all of our CR's. The second option has no potential monetary cost to Cap1 and puts an end to this silliness. The first option costs nothing if it works, but if it doesn't, my back is now against the wall, and I have no choice but to sue. I don't want that, but I will. I'll have to take time from work that I can't spare, fill out a bunch of paperwork, which I hate, but I'll do it. We're now talking about my ability to keep a roof over my family's head. I like you a lot on a personal level, but if Capitol One's actions are going to interfere with my ability to shelter my family, I don't have a lot of options. So, you think about it, and when I call you Monday, you tell me whether or not I'm suing Capitol One."

    It may not be verbatim, but that's really what I said. I think of this as my Verbal Nutcase Discussion. I rehearsed it in my mind. The attitude I wanted to convey was exactly the true attitude I had; "Look I just can't play around with this anymore. Let's get it fixed or be done with it." Or, as the Tank Girl said at the end of the worst movie ever, "Guys, its' been swell, but the swellin's goin' down now."
  12. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member


    Still looking for a contact at Chevron...
  13. chargedoff

    chargedoff Well-Known Member


    Great discussion. Thanks for the post.

    Congrats for talking your way out!
  14. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    LDOA= Last date of activity, usually known as DOLA= Date of last activity.
  15. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Ahh so.

  16. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Something I should have asked earlier. Javan, are you currently still a customer of Macy's? My account is a paid charge off, as is Chevron. No current business relationship to leverage.
  17. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    This is my wife's account and yes it is still open. But I have used this for many situations:

    Closed - Fully Paid
    Closed - Still Paying
    Open - Fully Paid
    Open - Still Paying with median balance

    Make sure to adjust the letter to your situation. I first tried the goodwill statement with Sears. This account was charged within $300 of the CL and they adjusted the account to show no lates.

    Another more optimal situation, I used it for my wife's MBNA account that was paid off 2 years ago and closed. They responded by deleting the late pays.

    Yet another, my wife's Pier One Imports card. Not only did they adjust the account, they also sent a 10% Off coupon with the letter inviting me to shop in their store!

    good luck
  18. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member


    I haven't seen any variations on the goodwill letter posted covering the paid charge off/paid collection situation. Could you post yours here so that we have one more reference?

  19. garymon

    garymon Well-Known Member


    What exactly is a PFB? And could you post the sample letter that you sent to mr. zimmerman? I found out he is the CEO of federated, so i will be able to use that for richs and macys. Thanks for the help.

  20. garymon

    garymon Well-Known Member

    ok i found out what PFB is, its planetfeedback. But now can you post an example of the goodwill letter that you sent mr. zimmerman? Thanks.

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