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LKH...Equifax inquiries

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Jul 2, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I had signed up for the 30 day free trial for CW, but towards the end of 30 days I wasn't able to access my report anymore. When I called CS they said my file was too big (too many inquiries) so I cancelled it. Well when everyone was getting inquiries deleted I thought I would give it another shot and it works now. Everytime I pull a new report a HARD inquiry gets deleted, even though I have some almost 2 year old soft inquiries.

    So in trying to figure out why some of us are getting HARD inquiries deleted LONG before the 2 year mark, those of us who have answer a few questions, please.

    1. Do you have Creditwatch?
    2. Have you been blocked for having a file too big?
    3. If so, did you call CS?
    4. Whats the oldest hard inquiry you have?
    5. How often are your inquiries being deleted? Everyday, month, week?
    6. How often do you pull your report?

    I thought maybe this could narrow down what is happening and why it's happening. I know I would definately pay $60 a year to have HARD inquiries deleted, and I'm sure this would be great help for newbies.
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I called Equifax yesterday and started a conversation about how long do inquiries stay on etc. The answer was 2 years. I asked do they ever get deleted early? Answer - no. So I didn't pursue it.

    1) yes
    2) no
    3) n/a
    4)The oldest hard inquiry I now have is from 6/27
    5) All other from the beginning of this year have been deleted when they become 45 days old.
    6) about every other day
  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    How about being a guinea pig? Any way you could pull it everyday and see if that 45 day window gets smaller?

    I have over 100 EQU soft inquiries and 8 hard, the oldest one is from 12/20/01. Theres one from a CA from 12/28/01 and I am really curious what my score will do when it's gone. I'm gonna try to keep pulling everyday to see what happens.
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I just checked my equifax report. All inquiries whether hard or soft that were incurred by me, prior to May 17, 2002 have been deleted. The only inquiries prior to May 17 are AR and PRM. I have had about 8 hard inquiries since the first of the year, but only 2 are showing. 1 from June 21 and 1 from June 20. The previous inquiry to those was on May 10 and that was deleted about June 24th.
  5. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Aren't soft inquiries only supposed to stay on your report for 12 months?
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I've called them about it and they say ALL inquiries for 2 years, YEAH OK!!!

    I have soft inquiries on EXP from 99 STILL on there.
  7. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    From Equifax Report:

    Seems to me that they lied to you.
  8. JohnOG

    JohnOG Well-Known Member


    Does that mean that PRM and AM or AR inquires are considered soft hence why they stay on for only 12 months? What about your own inquires when you access your personal CR online?
  9. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    Your own inqs are not seen by others and they "say" it doesn't affect your score.

  10. chargedoff

    chargedoff Well-Known Member

    KHM - How did you have 100 soft inquiries if you had recently subscribed to the 30 day free trial?

    For me CW does not allow to pull the report more than once every 24 hour period, in fact, sometimes it does not allow to pull until ~36 hours are over since the last one.

    So I will be able to make 20-25 soft inquiries during my free trial.

    Seems like you had a lot of soft ones from before.
  11. JohnOG

    JohnOG Well-Known Member

    Thanks Butch!
  12. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I had used about 20 days of the free trial to CW, I pulled every 24 hours and each time it was 2 soft inquiries. I was buying the score power subscription once a month and pulling it every week (2 inquiries each time). I was also disputing every week or so, and each time they send a new report 2 inquiries, it added up fast.
  13. cash1

    cash1 Well-Known Member

    I have been watching (with envy) the threads of everybody having hard inquiries fall off.

    I used to pull my credit watch report every few days. Istarted pulling it every day. Yesterday I lost the older of these two inquiries, for a 5 point increase. Today the recent inquiry is gone, another 5 point increase. I only have one hard inquiry left.

    03/23/2002 AM EX TRS
    12/02/2001 AM EX TRS

    Thanks for your observations.

    (Don't know that it matters, but I opted out of promotional inquiries)
  14. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I expect to be "STUCK" @ 686 FOR A LONG TIME...even if I get 100% of the "HARDS" removed...BUMP BUMP BUMP...
  15. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    (Don't know that it matters, but I opted out of promotional inquiries)
    OPT-BACK-IN the more PRM'S the better...BUMP BUMP BUMP
  16. B-Down

    B-Down Well-Known Member

    Or, if you're unlucky like me, you'll get locked out of their system for TOO MANY soft inquiries. (But several others have been receiving the message so it may just be a matter of time before this is a BIG problem.)

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