Equifax seems to be ignoring a dispute I faxed to them. I faxed the first letter on 6/26 and checked report online on 6/28 but the items did not show CUSTOMER DISPUTES - REINVESTIGATION IN PROCESS. So I faxed another "stronger" letter on 6/28 including previous letter and as of today, the items still do not seem to be in dispute. Should I mail this same letter now CRRR? Should I email one of the Equifax contacts? I faxed the letters to save time as I really wanted these to go away soon. (5 obsolete items) Any advice? TIA
I faxed a dispute to them once and it did not appear they were acknowledging it, so I faxed them another one giving them the date of the first fax and told them the time from the confirmation and asked why the account wasn't marked in dispute. It was put into dispute within 24 hours of that fax, although they investigated it from the date of the second fax and not the first one where I had requested it. L
Thanks whyspers! I did tell them that they ignored my 1st fax, but I guess I should word it differently including the confirmation time they received it. I'll try that...
I do not use FaXimile as a dispute method...but if I were to, I would use it in CONJUNCTION with a USMail-CRRR dispute to prove (to the court) you went out of your way to get the errors in your report removed. In other words...if they ignore a fax that you have a record of...and then ignore the CRRR which they do, you will have ample proof you tried to get the disputed item in the system. That is to build evidence for an eventual suit/threat to sue. Of course, if I just wanted the item to be entered in dispute, I would enter an ONLINE dispute which is hard for them to block without a "this dispute is frivilous" letter. Which is also good ammo for the suit. -Peace, Dave
Hmmm.. good idea Dave. I would have disputed it online, but they don't have a choice for obsolete/outdated unfortunately. Thanks
Dave, You mentioned: Of course, if I just wanted the item to be entered in dispute, I would enter an ONLINE dispute which is hard for them to block without a "this dispute is frivilous" letter. Which is also good ammo for the suit. When you enter an ONLINE dispute (I guess with Equifax), just exactly what does it involve? Does one just check on a 'bullet" that says "dispute" and that's it or does one have to provide an explanation of some type? If so, should it be detailed, or just simply - "I don't believe this is mine, please validate info and update your files".
Once you start the investigation online (check out the bottom of your online report if you have one) it lists all of your accounts with 3 check boxes, Not my account, incorrect balance/status and This accountis closed. And as far as I know, nowhere for notes...
All you need is some information (to prove you are you ... like your ZIP CODE,SS# address etc...) and a CONFIRMATION # from an Equifax report...to enter the dispute online. Equifax online dispute is HERE Yes pretty much that is all it takes: Account: COLLECTION LTD , INC Do you wish to dispute this listing - YES (X) Dispute Reason: (X) Not Mine ( ) Never Late ( ) Other ___________ It is that simple....even easier than by mail...and you ensure it gets "entered" into the system because you do it electronically, not relying on some underpaid CSR dispute rep at Equifax who throws away 50% of the letters he/she receives ya know Also, until you confirm the entry with a button at the bottom of the screen saying something like "SUBMIT INVESTIGATION" you can always BACK OUT and nothing will be entered...this is good to do, if you wish to see the online investigation form without "doing" anything at all. -Peace, Dave
If CSC Credit Services has Jurisdiction over your area you might try faxing it to: CSC Credit Services @ Fax # 281-878-1974 T-Man
That is good info T-Man...I forgot that, (somtimes), if you are handled by a local Equifax affiliate, you CAN NOT do an online investigation. I suggest you print ALL the screens so that you keep a written record...otherwise (when you most need it) you may be left with a bunch of electrons as evidence that you disputed -Peace, Dave
kittiekat3 & Dave, Thanks for the info, that seems easy enough. Just click the box and wait the 30 days for them to validate. From that point on depending on the method they use for validation (electronic rubber stamping or the info they come up with (CA info I guess or no response from CA), might get the item deleted. If not then of course it's back to step one - you do the validation yourself with the CA the tried and true way.