Utility charge off HELP please

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cavent2, Jul 3, 2002.

  1. cavent2

    cavent2 Well-Known Member

    I recenlty contacted a utility company via PFB. They are reporting a charge off (0//97) on my account. I contacted via PFB stating that this account was paid and the utiliities converted back to the duplex owner. They contacted me via email requesting that I call them to discuss "my" bill. Should I call them? Or should I contact them again requesting validation of the bill? I'm concerned that calling will open a can of worms. Thanks
  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    They always want you to call them. Don't do it. I would sent them a letter asking them to prove that the debt was in fact yours and paid late. Never call them.

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