What should I have taken off 1st

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by HuriKane, Jul 3, 2002.

  1. HuriKane

    HuriKane Well-Known Member

    Should I attempt to have collections taken off or the 30 and 60 day lates removed??? Also, I have items that are over 7 years old, How can I get these removed?
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    they items that are over seven years old should be removed by simply notfying the cra's of the outdated info and asking them to delete. I would dispute chargeoffs before late pays , imho, since they are more damaging to scores.
  3. HuriKane

    HuriKane Well-Known Member

    Great, exactly what I thought I just needed some help

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