Experian re-aging of accounts

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, Jul 2, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    We had a discussion some time back where many people posted that Experian had re-aged an account after it had been disputed.

    If you have had an account re-aged after disputing it with Experian, please post or email me (that is if you can document the account was re-aged...i.e you have a credit report before and after the dispute showing it was changed).

    Thanks for any help :)

  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Hope you guys don't mind, but I'd like to keep bumping this. Its very important as I'm looking for others who have had this happen to testify (by deposition if it comes to that) that this is a standard practice of Experian.


  3. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    <bump for whyspers>
  4. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    <one last time before bed, bump>
  5. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member


    I'll pull out all my Experian reports tomorrow when I get back from the courthouse from filing my student loan suit.

    (this will also help bump this...)

  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Thanks! <bump>

  7. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    I'm not exactly sure what you mean by re-aging. I had them change the last activity date on an item that was updated. A foreclosure I had in 1997 now shows as having occured in 2002. The actual time for deletion hasn't been changed though, that I could tell.

    One thing about Experian is that they are the only agency that has never sent me a new copy of my report after the dispute. I think I have done the online disputes as well as a phone dispute, and while I get to review the report online, there has never been one mailed to me. I thought it was a requirement? (Probably just that they must give you a copy at all.)

    Actually, here is one where they did re-age the whole thing. Bastards! It was an item that was verified January of this year. It was being listed as a chargeoff originally, as of 8-1998, then open/current. Oddly enough even the earlier report had the wrong date to be removed from my file, 12-2008, coinciding with the last status update. The current report says it will go to positive status on 1-2009, clearly in concert with the 1-2002 last status date.

    By changing the chargeoff to open/current and then reporting a zero balance, it's hanging around for a hell of a long time. AFAIK this account was never charged off, and was paid in full on 4-1999. Looks like I need to wrangle with them some more :eek:(
  8. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Ill check it out. I am almost certain that I have some eventhough the creditor may have removed them since.
  9. dwh1969

    dwh1969 Active Member

    I haven't had Experian do it, but TU just reaged 2 of my accounts that I disputed never late on.

  10. combackkid

    combackkid Well-Known Member

    I'm having the same problem with a repo from 1998. they changed the status of date and the reported since date. I am going to just dispute it (I did once already by phone but it never was investigated and I can't prove that I did it by phone so I have no case. Anyway I'm not sure if by changing these dates it hurt my score because I have no score (one old positive, and the one repo). I'm going to dispute it just because it's a new reason to, but I would like to know if by changing the status of and since dates it effects my scores.

    It's not 100% accurate reporting so I quess I have a case.

    Any opinions?
  11. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    They also had re-aged a foreclosure from 1998 to February of this year!

    BUT, in a strange twist of fate, it was DELETED after my last dispute!!! The bogus Palisades/OSI/Gulf State item was also removed.

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