Palisade Collections?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Hermit5, Jun 11, 2002.

  1. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Progress

    Folks, CSC doesn't have the address for OSI, I really need to know where to send the dispute. Does anyone know? Thanks!

    Whoa....they have a bunch...first dealings with these "people," can you tell? How in the heck do I know how to dispute???
  2. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Update - Coat of many colors

    Ok, this company is ridiculous. I'll be interested to see if they ignore my dispute which is at the same address as this new name they are listing on my report (OSI Portfolio-Palisades) .

    I wrote to the wonderful Texas state lady who lets me know whether a bond is filed and she could not provide much but she gave me a good suggestion which was to call

    Consumer Credit
    Commissioners Office.
    AG - #512-463-2070-


    Consumer Credit Commissioner Office - 512-936-7600

    which I will do if the typical validations don't work. Have 9 days till 30 days after they received dispute so I'm not too worried, yet.

    Ideally, those of us dealing with this in Texas should contact them near each other to have an impact, I would think.
  3. novalee

    novalee Member

    Re: Update - Coat of many colors

    I am in Wisconsin. I had AT&T, it is an account from years ago. This was never on my report, but as of 6/15, it showed up on Experian and Equifax, one is Palisades, the other is OSI. They never notified me that they were taking this into collections. My first notice of this was when I checked my report. I called AT&T, and paid the balance in full. The check cleared 6/20. On 7/1/02, both bureaus still showed it as unpaid. Can I dispute it based on the fact that they never notified me before reporting it to the bureaus?
  4. NewStart

    NewStart Member

    Re: Progress

    I'm new on the boards. This company appeared on my Equifax report in late June listing an ATT debt I know nothing about from 1995 under OSI. They list the same debt on Experian under Palisades.

    In any case, I just got back my green card today. I sent my validation request to them at:
    OSI/PALISADES Portfolio Svcs
    2425 Commerce Avenue
    DES Bldg 2100, Suite 100
    Duluth, GA 30096-4980


  5. mhoss007

    mhoss007 Well-Known Member

    I had the same problem.They just inserted collection for ATT in my credit file for no reson . i do not have any clue for this account and I can not believe they did the same thing to so many people. Let's file a class action lawsuit against this crook company.

    Does anyone know if they are legal at Missouri?
  6. mhoss007

    mhoss007 Well-Known Member

    Re: Progress

    '"we go where the money is"--this is the mission statement for the OSI website home page. I think this company has plenty of reason to be an extortionist.
    Any question or comment.............................??????
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Progress

    Why should an illegal debt be placed on anybodys credit report?????
  8. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Progress

    New start:

    Thanks for the information! I had sent my dispute to Palisades at that address and their 30 days run out soon so I'm not going to worry...besides it is listed as OSI-Palisades on the other if they don't answer, I doubt a judge would have much problems supporting me on this...same address, same name.

    And, I have the documentation that Palisades is illegal in Texas and I doubt the attorney general here would appreciate the fact that they are collecting under that name and I have the credit report where it is listed solely as Palisades.

    It's just a formality that this is a bogus debt...I'm suspecting that it is my ex trolls, if anyone's at all.

    May I strongly suggest that we swamp them with our disputes on this. If you haven't sent it yet, there's no better day than today, folks!

    Thanks again
  9. NewStart

    NewStart Member

    Re: Progress

    How would I go about finding out whether it's legal for them to be attempting to collect in my state ? [ny]

  10. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

  11. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    CSC flat lied to me!

    When I called on 6-13 they said there was nothing from Palisades on my report, yet today I signed up with PRIVISTA and there is a Palisades listed as reported on 6/2002. Now I find it hard to believe things that get posted at the start of the month wouldn't show up for 13 days.

    Now if I can just figure out how to view the history through the PRIVISTA interface...
  12. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC flat lied to me!

    NanaC...they may not be bonded under their Palasides name, but they are likely bonded under one of their a/k/a's in your state. Try OSI or Gulfstate. They are some bunch, I'm telling you!

  13. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC flat lied to me!

    If they are doing business as Palisades (and they are as stated on my credit report), that name must be bonded.
  14. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC flat lied to me!

    Only if they are actively collecting under that name in that state. I don't believe that listing it on the credit report counts in this situation. Have you received any snail mail from them in an effort to collect?

    Just my opinion...

  15. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC flat lied to me!

    I'll have to disagree with you on that. If that aren't legal to collect from me, they are not legal to harm me by entering information on my credit report.

    And, they have the green card and haven't responded...there's no validation to be received as there is no account so I won't get anything back.

    In fact, when they enter on my credit report, they are acting as a creditor or collection agency which they can't do for people in Texas. It is, in their words, listed as a "collection."
  16. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC flat lied to me!

    Okay :)

  17. navajo67

    navajo67 Active Member

    Re: On a related note...

    Palisades !!! I got them on my EQX report and they got me on collections for $389.00 I have never had an AT&T cell phone or LD account their phone number is 1-800-425-0006...I'm disputing thrue EQX
  18. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: On a related note...

    I suggest you send Palisades a written dispute (validation request) as well!
  19. dtembe

    dtembe Active Member

    Re: On a related note...

    Just wanted to let you know, that I have sent a validation to Palisades and filed a complaint with the AG in TX.
    I am in Dallas, and I have yet to receive a validation back from Palisades, their 30 days run out 7/18/02. Also, they have yet to insert "account in dispute notation on my CR."
    Hopefully we can get enough people to in TX to dispute and get the AG to take some action against them.
  20. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: On a related note...

    Thanks for the update! I am writing to AG after the 30 days so I can include the dispute not shown and the fact that they use different names for the same debt. That will be the 11th (30 days on 10th)...Yes, we need to be on this!

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