I am a member - my inquiries are not disappearing. And the question remains - any change in your scores? Or is this something for online purposes only. You would think they would remove their own inquiries, not creditors, hahahaha!!!
breeze, You're a member of creditwatch you mean, right?. GEORGE is a member of the 45 day club. Only those "worthy" enough get it. I'm waiting patiently. P.S. You're worthy, I didn't mean to imply you weren't.
Count me as a "partial member" I lost an inquiry in my report... but when I go to my FICO explanation - it's STILL THERE. I'm hoping that EQ's FICO explanation is a day delayed, similar to Credit Expert over the Experian Scoob
That happened on some of mine. It was still showing under the explanation but gone from the report, after a day or so it disappeared from there as well.
I am a member. I was afraid to pull every day because I heard that people were being locked out, so I stopped pulling so frequently. Then when I heard about the 45 day club I started again. I guess I was almost a member anyway because like two day later my first inquiry dropped. Couldn't tell on the first one if my score changed because somethng else changed too, second one score didn't change, but on the third one score went up 5 points. I've got 4 left so I think that 5+ hurt you the same amout then when you get below 5 you start getting your points back. So they are definately being deleted and not hidden. scott p.s. I've got over 100 soft inquiries. Somewhere around 106.
If they ADD 2 at the TOP...they have to REMOVE 2 at the BOTTOM...(that is the way it is working for the "CHOSEN" I guess)... I THINK THEY DID THIS BECAUSE OF SO MANY "LOCK-UP" COMPLAINTS...
MY SCORE DIDN'T GO UP...but I also have a NEW account...and it MAY take till MONDAY to work...(just guessing)...
Maybe you have to OWN A "45" RECORD??? For you real YOUNG kids...that a VERY LARGE CD WITH A VERY LARGE HOLE IN THE MIDDLE...AND YOU PLAY IT ON A RECORD PLAYER (OR HI-FI)... 33 1/3 45 78
After I posted I thought about it, and I had 6 inquiries yesterday and only 4 today. So I guess I did lose two. scott
I'm curious. I remember reading somewhere that if you have 0 hard inquiries it hurts your score. Then if you have 1 inquiry it helps, then 2 starts hurting again, but you need one. If we get all our hard inquiries deleted, will we actually have to apply for credit in order to raise our score? I guess if they don't delete for 45 days then we will have to apply every 45 days. Also I hope that after I have no more hard they start taking off the soft so that I don't get locked out. I guess if their willing to take off the hard they'll probably be willing to take off the soft too. scott
http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/creditscoring/present/sld008.htm ZERO AND TWO ARE BAD...ONE IS WHAT YOU WANT??? THAT IS WHAT IT SAYS...
How can ZERO be bad? Oh sorry sir, we're going to have to DENY you credit because you haven't applied for credit enough within the past 2 years thereby reducing your score so that we may now have "just cause" to give you a higher interest rate. LOL. You can't win.
http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/creditscoring/present/sld008.htm Why is "JUST MOVED" better than 2.49 YEARS???