Settlement offer with Cap 1?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Fuba, Jul 5, 2002.

  1. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    I've been trying to make a deal with CAP 1. Sent out a letter about 4 weeks ago, heard nothing. Should I wait, or send out another letter?

    Has anyone here ever made a deal with Cap 1? If so what were the terms. I can pay them off in about 6 mnts, in full, or less if they want to take less.

    Any advice?
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member


    darling, are you searching for answers in past posts? the way to reach cap one for settlement is through planetfeedback. you send an email, explaining your situation and then Mr.cooke will respond with a "deal". there are hundreds of posts on this subject!
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Fuba, Cap 1 made me an offer of the original debt. Mr Cooke waived all other fees and gave a 30 day window to pay. He would only change it from a R9 to a R5. Charlie

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