Do either Citi or Chase accept extra payments to be applied directly to a higher interest part of the balance? If so, do any of you folks have the special payment address? Thanks! DemPooches
Re: Citi / Chase Address for extra Citibank has an address you can use to send payments which will be credited to the Cash Advance portion of your balance. Let me know if you need it. If any of these companies still offers you the lower BT APR you're interested in, you can also pay off & BT again. Saar
Re: Citi / Chase Address for extra Yes, Saar, I would like that address. Interestingly, my situation is just the opposite of the norm, I have 0% BTs and used the wrong card for a purchase. It's not a big deal, but I hate to pay interest when I don't have to and I love the free use of other people's money. Thanks very much for the offer. DemPooches
Re: Citi / Chase Address for extra 1. You can find it here: 2. Credit goes to VJ. 3. The zip code there is wrong. The last 2 digits should be "11", not "01". Saar
Re: Citi / Chase Address for extra You can also do this...(LOT OF WORK)... If you owe say $100.00 (PURCHASES) and the rest on 0.00% BT...or some such... Go to a store that has GIFT CARDS...get a $100.00 gift card on the "RIGHT" card and buy something for say $200.00 use the gift card and pay the rest with the "WRONG" card...WAIT A COUPLE OF DAYS...return it for the $200.00 credit on the "WRONG" card... LOT OF HASSLE...but it works... ...or just take something back that you just bought "WITH-OUT A RECEIPT" (at the few stores that do "no receipt" returns)...put the credit on the "WRONG CARD"... I HAD TO DO THIS BECAUSE DISCOVERCARD HAD A $29.00 BT FEE THAT THEY PUT AT THE "PURCHASE" RATE...(13.74%)...NO WAY TO GET RID OF IT EXCEPT TO A "PURCHASE RETURN"...IT WAS ONLY $0.06 INTEREST...BUT SO WHAT!!!
Re: Citi / Chase Address for extra Literally LOL George! That is priceless! (And just the kind of thing we're nuts enough to do.) Thanks for another little trick to add to the arsenal! DemPooches
Re: Citi / Chase Address for extra CreditExpert will refund your money to whatever credit card they have on your file at the time you cancel. You can change the CC they have on file online, at any time. Saar