Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned 18?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by EricAdams1, Jul 4, 2002.

  1. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    Discussing the morality and immorality of war is another bag of worms...please don't get me is the death penalty...and homicide bombers...and terrorism...(I lost 10 friends in the WTC on 9/11)....

    I think the issue of preventing credit card companies from preying on a vulnerable population is an ill that can be will take people like ourselves who have either been victims themselves or know people who have fallen prey to these stop these practices dead.

    According to Dr. Manning many of these kids are using bk to get out from under....but wouldn't it be better just to prevent it from happening in the first place?

    And yes I all the courses offered on college campuses...there should definitely be one on the responsibility of credit and the consequences of abusing that credit privilege. I think it is a sad statement on this society that it isn't.

  2. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    Well, you have still failed to answer, at what age does an individual take responsiblity for their own actions? I'm asking YOU, not Dr. Manning, and as far as education, I'm talking about education from mommy and daddy not schooling. By the time a person gets to college, its pretty late to learn about credit.
  3. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    Just a note: Some public middle schools where I have taught have a course that includes exactly what is proposed: budgeting, credit law, credit and how to handle it, etc. It was an elective but in only one school was it required. However, it was a very popular choice.
  4. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    OK, read first few posts and last posts....could someone tell me what the heck this post is about???
    Not trying to be smart, just posting the post was too hard to follow.
  5. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    I kinda think that credit card companies are like drug dealers (real loose analagy here, folks!) You know they're out there, you may come into contact with some on a daily basis, but it's up to you to say no. Just because a product is being peddled to you, doesn't mean you gotta buy it. Again, it's taking responsibility for your actions.

    The more I think about it, I see a clearer connection between the 2.

    Ya start off with a secured card. Then you strive to get an unsecured card. Then you get one and you want another one... and another one... then you want one with 0% interest for 6 months.. no, 9 months.. no a whole entire year! And then the teaser rate goes away... and you're stuck with a 12.99% interest rate, and that's too high.. so you go looking for a new, lower interest rate. And a teaser rate you find... and 9 months no interest... and it just keeps going until you're utterly and hopelessly addicted to finding the best credit high.

    Yeah, okay.. that's pushing it <g>... but ya get the idea.

  6. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    I am probably older than you so my references might be a litle different. My generation...people born betwen '45-'55...had parents who had lived through the great depression...therefore "credit" was a anathema to them. They bought using cash and their biggest "credit" item was their home. Therefore the hows and whys of credit was a moot point. Yet also when I was college card companies didn't hand out cards like they were candy. My father was a business he had an American Express card (b4 he died last year he used to love to show people his card because it said "member since 1952" on it...boy I sure do miss him). He paid his bill in full every month...and that was that.

    My mother never had a credit card until she was 75! She had charge privileges at the local retail stores but never a credit card per se. And now she is so cute about fretting about her bill...she gets BT offers and calls me up with a million questions...very much a babe in the woods re:credit.

    So this credit card phenomenon is a fairly recent one...and one that grew to monstrous proportions in a very short time...and the marketing to college age group started in the early 90s.

    MY opinion is that if one does not have a credit record...then they should start with a secured card...kinda' like a bicycle with training wheels. If they can use that responsibly while they are in college..then by the time they are in the work force and have steady income they can graduate to a good unsecured card. If they can't handle a secured get's cancelled...the deposit covers their sins...they get a dink on their harm no foul situation.

    What I object to is the "giving" of unsecured cards to students who have no income and no history of credit...saying "no" is many times a healthy thing...what these companies do is mortgage the financial future of these kids and in my opinion it is wrong and immoral...especially when many times these kids are using their student loans to pay them back...and then they start pyramiding...using new cards to pay old ones...the circle gets vicious...and before they know it...when the time comes to really be out on their own...they can't....can't rent, have to pay security deposits...and instead of beginning their adult life with hope...they are hopelessly indebted with no place to turn but to bk.

    On the other granting institutions are very savvy...they have their stats and demographics and they know exactly what they are doing...if they were losing money I can guarantee that they would not being issuing cards to this segment...they have their losses built in to their P/L stmts...this I know because I worked for a biggie in NYC...but their P/L stmts don't account for the grief, stress and heartache that their actions I said earlier...sometimes the tempters are worse than the sinners.

    I agree with sense should definitely be offered to the lower school that they can make educated decisions in college re:credit...

  7. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    Doc and Mrs. Doc,

    I've been known to tally some points, if even on my own scratch pad ;-), being a dad and especially a daddy not only gets you points it gets you BONUS points.


    You are reading defensive, we all learn through experiential living. Me, You, your 26 year old daughters, Doc's kids, ALL the daddy's kids, mom's and single moms, hatched, found, adopted, test tube kids and soon to be cloned kids -- problem is, takes some of us 3 or 4 trips up and down the same road to get it right. The paths of your children can not be the path of mine, my path is not my mothers -- we wish others, especially those we love would learn from our mistakes but that's not the way it always works.

    You gave your opinion and a fine one it was; however, your opinion is not mine, is not Doc's, is not your daughters and may not be eric's. That's the practicality and usefulness of this board, you get many opinions and not just one! If you prefer a board where everyone agrees, there's plenty out there.

    That said, Doc gave his opinion and a fine one it was as well.

    There is much to be said for the sincerity and honesty in expressing opinions on this board and dare I say the day they are ever all the same is the day I'll do my ho-ing (lol, that's for you Doc) elsewhere.

    Now eric gets to do the adult thing, read all the opinions expressed, and do whatever it is that he decides he needs to do -- that is his choice alone and there are consequences to every action.

    Breeze, it is the AIR! :)

    Good luck to you, eric, whatever you decide. My only aged advice is that mistakes made at 17 sometimes haunt you until you are at least 38, could be 40, I'll post back in two years and let you know; actions always have consequences.


    P.S. Mrs. Doc, I can't believe you don't have him better trained to listen to you at first post! ;-)
  8. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    Sassy, nice post! :) I missed your post earlier and went back and read it. Well said there, too!

    Whatever, I'm not sure which post you are talking about...can you clarify?

    Ozzy, I think the strategy is a sound one. I teach math and we've actually done a unit with a "credit card" and the kids had to budget, etc...I think I might emphasize it more now! Maybe a "secured" card could be factored in....though I'm a bit worried about what they may want to secure it with...LOL

    Love things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
  9. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned


    Doc :)

    P.S. Nobody ever {{{hugs}}} on this board, but what the heck. :)
  10. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    Email Advisory :)
  11. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    (((((((((((Doc)))))))))))))), thanks I needed that :).

    NanaC, is good to know even as an elective classes are available that address the issue, I do wish there would be more of a mandatory focus on life skills in the required years of eduction!

    Butch, what's an email advisory?

  12. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    So far I'm staying out of this one, but GOD I'm dying to add my .02. Adivory gets me on the email list. lol

    Still kinda new at this - sorry.
  13. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    LOL Butch,

    Guess I'm too new too, didn't know there was an email advisory and found it curious all the references to behind the board emailings.

  14. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    Ozzy made a lot of good points i agree with. I too, have a tough time seeing post BKer's have a higher score than me 2 years after BK.

    Granted I had a few charge offs from 98, and I paid all but one in full (settled with Cap one). ALL but cap one have deleted, and Cap One changed the rating to an R5. My score is STILL lower than some people 2 years post BK.

    I have a friend that was $50K in debt and wanted a house, he filed BK and 2 years later got a house. His rates are decent and his house is gorgeous. After he filed for BK he and his girlfriend saved all their money (in her account), they saved $80K. How is this fair????? They could have paid all that debt back and STILL had $30K to put down. Am I bitter? You bet your ass.

    Now, this kid knows he's done wrong and he DOESNT need to be reprimanded by us, he needs to be taught.

    Now everyone to their rooms, or no dinner!!!!

    Side note-
    I found out the day I left for vaca (wed) that my boss has terminated his lease as of 8/1/02. After that hubby and I may be unemployed, wouldn;t be so bad if it were only one of use, but to think BOTH of us may be unemplyed, UGH!!!!
    It could be the best thing to ever happen to us, maybe now one of us will get a job with benefits! WOOHOO!!!
    Kellie<~~~~on vacation, going to see the mouse tomorrow!
  15. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    I didn't know anything about email advisory does that work? I just checked my email and found nothing but stuff to make various parts of my anatomy grow...just what i don't need.

    You are right in your earlier post. Eric has tons of opinions now, and just needs to make a choice.
  16. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned


    i'm very likely older than what you think.
  17. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    Let me post the entire it is not taken out of context here:

    I am probably older than you so my references might be a litle different. My generation...people born betwen '45-'55...had parents who had lived through the great depression...therefore "credit" was an anathema to them.

    this was not a reference meaning was in its full context a time line reference to credit and its history.

    So my question is...what was the point of your post??? are you offended because I gently inferred you might be younger??? If so I have to admit you would be the first woman I have ever met (including myself) that took offense at a remark that they might be younger than they actually are?

  18. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    Now I see why you continue to have problems with members. Reread Sweets post, then reread yours, then think about how you could possible infer what you are.
  19. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

  20. missy

    missy New Member

    Re: Help!! Resp 4 Credit B4 Turned

    i agree with george.this is getting too personal against one person.

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