I applied for the GM Card today. They pulled my Equifax report (711 score with 2 negatives and another one in dispute) and got approved for $600 credit limit. Is this a prime or subprime credit card? There isn't much I can do with with limit especially trying to accumulate rewards. Anybody has tried to request credit line increases (calling or through Planet Feedback)? Thanks! Mark
Mark, I applied for GM Card last February and they approved for $1500. After six months, I request limit increase and they denied my request. Of course they pulled hard inquiry from my Equifax. A couple of days ago, I called to request to raise my limit without hard inquiry. They raised my limit to $2500. I think it is a prime card. By the way, they won't lower my APR. Ron.
I think I am going to try a Planet Feedback letter if nobody else has tried it and see what happens. Thank you for the information! Mark
By the way what do you consider the Target VISA card? Is it prime or subprime? Is it possible to get a credit limit increase with them? They gave me $500 when I applied with instant approval. Mark
Markman, I have both Target Visa and Guest Card. When I applied for both card and I don't have any negative on any of my credit reports. They pulled Equifax. They may give you Target Guest Card instead of Target Visa if you have any negative. Ron.
I already have the Target Visa (for 1-2 months now). It is just that the credit limit of $500 is just way too low. Have you tried to request an increase? Thank you! Mark
Gm Card my Household Bank. Rewards are good only if you buy GM products. Increases are hard to get, initially I was approved with a $3000 limit when my EQ score was 740 that was over a year ago. My limit is now $3500 a year later. Requested a line increase 6 months ago, they pulled a soft inq. and stated to me that i only qualified for a $500 increase. I asked why, and they told me that it's not based on your payment history, or your credit history, increases are based on your score performance from your initial approval to the date of request. What ever that means, I'm assuming they have some internal rules for scores and changes, based on credit criteria.
Markman, I called them about a month ago for requesting limit increase. They told me that the computer will review your account history from time to time. The computer will increase automatically and nothing they can do about it. All they lowered my rate from 15.9% fixed to 11.9% fixed. By the way they approved my Target Visa for $8500 back in December. Ron.
It looks like not much has changed. The GM card was my very first "real" credit card. It had a $300 limit and I got it in the spring of '93. My only other account at the time was an unused one-year-old retail account with a $150 limit. Two years later, I had my first gold account with a $5k line. I still could not get my GM card's limit raised from $300. Goodbye GM card. Knuckleheads...
richard, I called to GM CARD Customer Service and I asked for the increase without hard inquiry. They came back to give me $1000 limit increase without hard inquiry and now my GM Card has $2500 credit limit. Ron.