Citibank... what to do?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rackt3, Jul 8, 2002.

  1. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    You guys have been extremely helpful thus far.. thanks a lot.

    I opened a citibank account back in 1996. In 1998, I had a 60-days late, and citibank closed the account just like that. I have since paid off the account, and now just wondering what I can do to get the lates removed.

    Should I dispute it as never late? The reason I'm skeptical about that is the risk of it getting deleted. Since it's an old account with a relatively good history, it'll be nice to keep it on only without the late.

    Or, will it be a good will letter? If so, how do I find out where to send a good will letter.. or how does one get started in that process. Thanks again!
  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Send a goodwill letter for sure. I would word it something like, although I do not recall making a late payment to you this was a very hard tme in my life because.....

    Send it to Citibank? I don't get that question?
  3. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Hi, thanx for the reply. Well I just don't know where I would send the goodwill letter.. that's what I was asking.
  4. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    We faxed ours to :

    Citibank Credit Bureau Disputes
    P.O. Box 6241
    Sioux Falls, SD 57177
    Fax - 605-330-6780

    Our account was deleted. It would have been nice if they had updated to "paid as agreed" but they didn't.

    You might want to make a point in your request to stress how important this account is to your overall credit score and that even though the late notations are hurting you, to lose the tradeline entirely will hurt you badly as well.

    By the way, ours was deleted less than a week after we faxed the request.

    All the best!


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