How can I pay them?...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by prissypoo, Jul 8, 2002.

  1. prissypoo

    prissypoo Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone,

    First, let me say how much I have appreciated everything you have all posted. I've never posted before but reading about all of your experiences (the good and bad) gives me hope and lets me know I'm not alone...

    I have an unpaid charge-off to a utility company. I want to pay it but I also want it taken off my CR... am I asking too much?

    What can I write that will (in a nice way) get this accomplished?

    Any help is appreciated!!!
  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Do a payment for deletion search on this site. Pay it when and only when they return the letter signed.

    STOLEN FROM CLC's post on the 4th
    Here is a post I found from a member named Karen posted on February 12, 2002....I don't think this post was geared to any particular age group.



    Negotiation strategies:

    1. Don't let them know how much you have. If you say I only have $1000 to settle 10 debts, they will want it all for their debt. Tell them I have a very limited amount and can only settle one or two of my debts and I want to pay the one that will give me the best deal.

    2. Be sure to mention that bankruptcy is an option you have considered.

    3. Do not keep any money in your bank accounts. When I settled with NCO, the collection agent knew to the dollar how much was in my accounts. He knew more about how much I had than I did.

    4. Make sure that you get a deletion of all negative info from your credit reports in exchange for settlement. After all, you are telling them you only have limited funds and if they want their share, they have to be fair to you. And, get it in writing before you send in the payment.

    5. The older accounts will settle for less because they may have given up on getting anything. They will probably take less.
  3. Baday

    Baday Well-Known Member

    First, I have a few questions:

    What is the date of the collection?
    What state do you live in?

    You may just be able to dispute if it is old enough...And the CA/OC may be unorganized and may not be able to verify the debt. You also need to understand your state laws. If it is past the SOL, then you may not be liable anymore (but paying off the debt is noble). Here is a link to the SOL regs by state:

    In relation to settling for the cr deletion...This is possible. A lot of people have documented their success of being able to negotiate a settlement with full deletion of the derog. Here is a link to a good settlement letter:

    I hope this helps and good luck!
  4. Baday

    Baday Well-Known Member

    I forgot to mention this in my response, but it is very important to remember if you decide on the settlement route: BE SURE to get a signed letter in return stating the full deletion of any derog. CR info prior to sending in your payment
  5. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    The other possibility is the BIG sob story. Your mother died about that time and you don't remember getting the bill, then the cat got run over by a car, then your kid got real sick, and I really would have paid, I always pay my bills, and now I can't get credit, and I will probably be evicted, what can I do to make this all better?

    The point is to lay it on thick. This is a small bill if it is a utilities bill and they may just help you out if you are pathetic enough.

    Once I was offered a free Christmas tree because I looked so pathetic. I had dressed in old clothes to go tree shopping so that I would not mess up good clothes. The lot owner felt I could not afford anything so he offered me a free one.

    We can all do it.
  6. RoundLake

    RoundLake Well-Known Member

    We all need to remember to <bump> this message come December!

  7. prissypoo

    prissypoo Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for your help!!

    I think I will use the best of all the letters I've found and put my own personal, sob-story pitch to it... perhaps a few tears will soften them up...

    Thanks again!!


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