I have a judgement that is set to expire on 8/1/02. It is reported on TU only. It was reported on one of the other two, and they removed it - I did not dispute it, it just fell off early. Still have no score there though! Anyway, my TU is currently 601. Besides the one judgement, there is one installment loan in good standing, will have the 4th month reported, 0 lates. There are also two medical bills in collections. Are the inquiries counted against your score for 6 months or 2 years? I have one from 7/00 that will be gone next month if it is two years. If it is 6 months, then there are 2 from 2/27 and 2 from March that will both be gone soon. Also, the 2 from Feb are both from the same loan I applied for. It was for a Kirby, and I was approved - it is the installment loan. But they ran it twice - once the loacal company and once from the finance company. And in March, I applied for Capital One (denied) and they checked it once, and the next day, so did Chase. These are the two in March I was talking about. Are Cap 1 and Chase related? Is that why they pulled it twice. It is really annoying to have 2 inquiries on my report for the same thing! If it is only for six months, then I am not too worried about it, since they will be gone soon. I am not making any major purchases yet, so I will pick my battles. If it is two years, maybe I will dispute it. Anyway, that was a long way to ask - what can I expect for a jump in my scores over the next month or two?
Not much sorry. You may see a fee points, but unless ir is your last negative, there will not be much of a difference.
i disagree, with it being public record, you may have a twenty point increase. I would dispute it with tu now, it will probably come off early and you will get your free report when it come back " deleted".
Well, I did just dispute three things that were on there mistakenly and they were removed. This was in the last six weeks. I would hate to have them ignore my disputes for things that I would like to dispute - I have heard that is a possibilty if you are constantly disputing things. Thanks for the info from both of you. I will be crossing my fingers for the 20 points!
You have more negatives on your TU then I do. I have a 30 day late car payment (account closed, paid in full MIND YOU) and a Paid charge-off from First Premier. Those are the only negatives on my report. total score 569. I hate Transunion. If I ever meet the CEO of TU, I just might have to squash him like a bug with my car or something. TU really does have a random number generator. They probably paid 20 million for it from some guy who spoke no english and didn't know what it did.
I'm just happy to have ANY score! Both EX and EQ give me a 0 - saying I do not have enough information to generate a score! I'm glad to have found ya guys, it gives me hope that there will be an end to this and it is not as hopeless as I once thought!
Inquiries count against you for one year, even though they are listed on your report for two. Things are never hopeless. Building a good credit score takes time. Once a person establishes their first account, I believe you have to wait six months before the credit bureaus will give you a score. You may want to get a secured credit card or two for a while until you can get a non-secured sub-prime card. Good luck.