I've been pulling my EQ report more recently and received a message the other day stating: "We are currently unable to provide your product on-line and will advise of the status within 5 business days via the email address provided during the registration process. Your credit card has not been charged. If you have additional questions, please contact our Customer Care department at.... Error Code: 45D" I contacted their "customer care" department yesterday and asked as to why I couldn't retrieve my report. I've been a Credit Watch member since late last summer and never had any problems accessing my reports until now. At first, the rep told me that my problem was me having too many accounts on my report. I told her that she's incorrect and I only have 12-16 accounts on file. Surely, there are people with many more accounts that can still access the system. She then said that it must be my number of disputes that's causing the system to deny access. I said, "wrong again!" there's only ONE account in dispute right now. She then proceeded to tell me that it must be my number of inquiries. Now that would make the most sense. I told her that I do have a lot of "soft" inquiries due to pulling my file. She infomed me that they were the problem. I informed her that the inquiries were caused by their own system and asked if they could be removed so that I may continue to access my report. She said "sir, we can't remove inquiries". I said "even soft? it's not like any creditors can see them, their only for personal use, right? Your own system caused them, what's the problem in removing them?" She said, get this - "it's against the law". I wasn't sure to start laughing hysterically or curse her out. Basically, I just asked for her supervisor as I wanted access to my reports as I had paid for the service and I wanted it provided to me. He wasn't there, but she assured me that I would get a call from him within 24 hours. Sure enough, later that day I received a call. I went over the scenario with the supervisor and he told me the EXACT same thing. That even though they're SOFT inquiries that only I can see, that were created by THEIR system, they CAN'T remove them. I don't buy that one bit! My solution from them was this - "I can no longer access my credit report online." Total BS! By this point I was fuming and told him that I would make as many people as I possibly could aware of what was going on at Equifax. They clearly advertise one thing - "UNLIMITED" access to your report, CHARGE you for it, and then can deny you access if you take advantage of the offer. I know others have been accessing their report and wanted to start a thread for other users who may have received this message as well. EQ has no problem in trying to screw over the consumer and I have no problem in letting others know what may happen. I believe others may have received this message at this point (I think Breeze received it as well?). Let's make our voice heard. I'm in Atlanta and plan to get a session with Clark Howard if this situation isn't handled to my satisfaction. I work with DBA's and do scripting work myself, and I know it's possible purge specific entries from a database if necessary. Those lazy bastards just don't want to do their damn job because they didn't make the system robust enough to handle a large number of inquiries. I may persue legal action if I can no longer access the system online. I may be one of the first to get this message but I seriously doubt that I'll be the last. So, please chime in if you've received this message and let's see what we can do!
I don't know why this happens to some and not to others. For me, I pull my report almost every day. Each time I pull my report, the bottom 2 soft inquiries incurred by ne pulling my report, are deleted. Also, this is why the hard inquiries are being deleted. I have had 5 or 6 hard inquiries deleted so far that were pulled since the first of the year. I only have 2 left from the end of June that will be deleted the first half of next month.
Exactly! That's why I don't buy their line of BS. I just want access to my report. I wasn't looking to make a big deal out of this but I will if necessary. I just don't like being lied to. I know that my file can be fixed so that I may obtain access whenever I want.
Equifax has been removing all inquiries that are 45 days old or more, including hard inquiries, but not including PRM or AR inquiries. I wonder if this code 45D has anything to do with removal at 45 days?
Could be. You were never locked out of the system? Not even for a few days? That's really unusual that some are locked out but not others... I have a file currently in dispute, I wonder if that could be the trigger? Hmm....
Never been locked out. Also, I have had little things in dispute during this time like incorrect balances or credit limits, and it never stopped me from being able to pull my reports.
Hmm.. the plot thickens! The only account that I have in dispute is for a few late pays from years ago on one account. There must be something that triggers the lockout. Do you remember the most inquiries (hard/soft) you've had on your report? I know a couple of days ago I must've had over 100 soft from the past 2 years. Also, when did you sign up for Credit Watch? I signed up last year, before they had "UNLIMITED" access, when you could only pull say 6 or so reports a year. Did you sign up after the "UNLIMITED" offer? Maybe their handling those accounts differently. There has to be some logic to this...
Breeze, How long have you been a Credit Watch member? Since the "UNLIMITED" days or previously (limited to around 6 or so)? Also, do you remember approx. how many hard/soft inqs. you had before you were locked out? Thanks for your input!
I received that message, too. I have over 125 hard, soft and EQ inquires. I called and was told that was the problem. I said no it was not. I said to them I paid for a service ie a free score and report every 24 hours. Further, I told them I was notifying the NYS AGs office of their business practice. After being put on hold I was told from now on add your initials to your password. Lo and behold for the last three weeks, no problem whatsoever.
BigH, Thanks so much for that tidbit of information! See, this just lets me know that the problem CAN be fixed. This will give myself and others more firepower to get our accounts corrected. Do you remember if you were escalated to anyone in particular or did the lower level rep handle the transaction?
LOL, I have too many soft inquiries to count. About 14 hard in the past two yrs all the rest are AR's and PRM's and the disclosures where I pulled my own reports. I guess I could count them - I have the files saved.
LOL, I know what you mean! I got up to 80-something and just said "I have at least 100 on here" probably around 125! Maybe I will count mine from my last report. Hmm....
I just counted them--119 soft inquiries & 1 hard inquiry. THis is such a problem! I can't access my report anywhere now. This issue is brewing into a lawsuit. I had a Creditwatch subscription when it began unlimited access. I used it for about a month and one day I was unable to access anything. I was told that it was due to the size of my file--i.e. it was too large to accomodate internet access. My file is too large because I have 2 full pages of inquiries. Because of the size, Equifax chose to split the file into two parts. This was the last straw. Now everytime I get a credit report in the mail, I only get Part 2 of 2. I never get both parts. When I call and complain, they always tell me that Part 1 of 2 has been sent. I put up such a fuss that they sent me to a special unit to order both parts. I got them in the mail yesterday. Part 1 of 2 has THREE accounts that have been reinserted. I would have never known this because I was never given both parts. If all of this was not bad enough, I can't get a FICO score anywhere! Not through Score Power, not through Credit Watch, nowhere. Isn't this, in effect, limiting my ability to access my own data? They refuse to fix it. Help!
I am in your same boat! It is total BS. How are all of our creditnetters getting by? They are able to work things out somehow. I am completely shut out. I can order a report through CSC, the local affiliate. They can only manage to give me part of the file because they have split it. I am furious about this!
You guys are funny - check out the credit inquiries page on creditwatch (If you can access it of course). It's one of the light blue tabs at the top. Once you're on that page, you'll see "Summary: 118" or however many total inquiries you have. No need to manually count anything. On the main summary page when you first view your report, they don't list the total there, so I can see why you would have missed it.
How many inquiries total do you have on your report? Im trying to figure out how many I need to have before they start dropping off?
Thanks for the tip! I was simply hand counting yesterday out of disgust for their system. Didn't even think to check the tabs for a summary. Doh! Well, get this, I totally under-estimated how many inquiries I have on my report. My summary total: 187. Most are account reviews from CC companies and pulls from myself and Privista. Although I do have around 20 hard listed on there. (Most from an auto loan done last year and from my mortgage and refinancing my home late last year). Regardless, I should be able to access my report whether I have 1 or 1000 inquiries on there. With 2 inquiries provided BY THEIR SYSTEM every time you look at your report and score, it's just a matter of time before everyone's locked out. Let's keep the input coming. I'm sure there are others who have experienced this or will soon! I'm definitely going to be getting a consumer advocate involved unless they start fixing accounts.
They have had me locked out COMPLETELY since April 24. Not only can't I see my report, but the creditors cant pull my report half the time. They split my file, I talked to sup. last week, raised HELL about having two files now, went on privista this morning and I have 2 deleted collection back on and a judgement that took me 14 months to have deleted!!! Your are talking to one pissed off lady down in Atlanta also. Roni
I had two accounts reinserted that I worked on for almost 6 months. Of course I didn't know this because I can't get my complete file! Each time I request it, I get Part 2 of 2 only. I think this must be a violation of the FCRA, Section 609! I can't access my report or my score online at all anywhere. CSC, the local affiliate, can't send me both parts at one time! Their system tells them that 2 parts are sent. Only one part is actually mailed. They can't figure it out so they blame me and the USPS. Either way, I don't have access to my COMPLETE file and that is a violation. A letter is going into the mail today to CSC's president CRRR. I fully intend to file a lawsuit based on the reinsertion of those 2 accounts and inaccess to my credit file. They need to find a way to get this fixed!