It has been about 2 weeks and so far I have lost 7 hard inquires from Equifax. I "think" I am getting the double dose so to speak. A few months back I had complained to equifax by phone and fax several times about the score power subscription, I had one remaining and it disappeared when I order the unlimited monitoring, well when this occurred I don't know, however I noticed a few weeks back that that my score power subscription had 4 remaining?? Apparently they put 4 new ones back on there, I have checked and I was NOT charged, soo I have pulled that twice a week plus my daily unlimited reports, I now have one remaining. I think all the pulls are really screwing up their system, but heck I will take it, I went from 13, I had been loosing some very slowly here and there, as of today I am down to 6
Congrats! I guess I'm just one of the unlucky ones. I can't even access my report anymore which I PAID for. Read 'Equifax - ERROR 45D' if you're interested.
Thanks. I am sorry to hear about your problems, can't understand why it happens to some and not others, but then again this is Equifax I hope you and everyone else that has these problems get them resolved.
B-Down, have you called them to complain? It may take them a week or two, but they should get it fixed. Gib
Count your total inquiries. How many are there? Im tring to figure how many I need before the old ones start to drop off. If the hard inquiries drop off the report, will fico still add them when they calculate the score?
No. If it isn't on the report, how would it be considered? I have actually gotten score increases on 2 of the hard deletions.
Gib, Yeah, I called. I spoke with both a rep and a supervisor who informed me that removing even soft inquiries is "illegal" (which we all know is not true). I sent a letter via Planet Feedback and will send a letter to their regular "customer care" office today. I know some people are getting their's fixed but they're trying to screw the rest of us. I'm NOT going to let that happen.