This topic has come up a few times now over the past couple of months, and I thought I'd start a thread dedicated to it. A handful of members have posted about how their EQ report has reported that they were 30 days late -unknown date, 60 days late - unknown date, and 90 days late - unknown date. Some members have also posted that they disputed those "unknown lates" as "never late on unknown date" or something similar to this (I think GEORGE was the first to come up with " I WAS NEVER LATE ON UNKNOWN DATE, PLEASE DELETE". Now the question I ask is: Anyone who has disputed these "unknown late dates": What were your results? What reason did you use when disputing? Was it an online dispute or phone or writing (mail)? Did your scores go up (or down) when/if those "unknown late" dates came off? Just trying to get a structed feel for what EQ has been doing about this, (whether they're deleting or somehow "verifing the unknown late dates") because as we know, this could and should get EQ in hot water.
Good question mindcrime. I just disputed mine a week or two ago. I feel that they will have to delete, because EX has the same account yet they aren't reporting the unknown dates. Charlie
I disputed unknown dates which were listed with a chargedoff account... via snail mail. I asked them to report accurate information or remove the trade line. They deleted the payment history and kept the charge off listed. S313
I have two accounts on equifax reporting like this. Bealls and stage dept stores. Bealls reports 90(18) date unknown. Stage reports 30(3) 60(2)90(6) date unknown. I am going after the OC on this, but will go after EQ if no luck with OC.
UNKNOW DATE IS NOT 100% ACCURATE...they MUST report 100% ACCURATE information... You could ask them if they REALLY have the same "UNKNOWN" date as the credit card company... They CAN'T prove if it was 2 weeks ago or 17 YEARS AGO!!!
The first time I disputed it, I disputed online as never late. At the same time I had other disputes, and this account was somehow verified. I immediately disputed it again online (it was the last remaining derog) and they came off. I had 1 60 day late on unknown date and 2 30 day lates on unknown dates, along with 2 30 day lates on dates that were listed. All of the lates were deleted and it is now a positive tradeline. L
Im disputing the stage account that has unknown dates. I called EQ and they told me that it was in maintanence dept. So maybe they are getting rid of it. Keep you all updated.
A few weeks ago, I disputed my National City Auto Lease b/c of 1 30 day late unknown. They deleted the entire tradeline. Go figure. I'm trying to work on them with my old Countrywide mortgage b/c of 11 90 day lates all unknown. I'll keep the board posted. Man would I love it if they would delete that entire tradeline. I don't have that kind of luck though
"I went on VACATION on that "UNKNOWN" date so I mailed all the bills two weeks before so I wouldn't have to worry about it while packing" "I also mailed all the payments for the bills that came in up-to one day before I there is NO WAY THE PAYMENT COULD HAVE BEEN LATE ON THAT 'UNKNOWN' DATE"
I'll do you guys one better. I have unknown lates on a revolving account with an unknown ACCOUNT NUMBER. I swear, it only has "XXXX" in place on the account number. This was from a report pulled just a few days ago. If it comes back verified, I may pursue a lawsuit. How can you verify unknown lates on an unknown account number? LOL!
I had 3-30 day lates with dates, 6-30 day lates with unknown dates and 3-60 day lates with unknown dates. I disputed with EQ and the next day all the lates were listed as unknown. I hope that may help me to be a positive tradeline and not a total deletion. Charlie
I'm thinking this was some type of on purpose programming error on EQ's part. Neither EX, nor TU had this problem. So far EQ has come up with "unknown late dates", and also an unlimited monitoring service that isn't quite unlimited for certain consumers. How could EQ not have been ready for consumers who would be pulling their reports on an almost daily, if not daily basis? What does the term "unlimited" mean in their eyes? What's next? Both are apparently technical issues, yet they've both been going on for weeks, probably even months now, and yet, nothing has changed. Is EQ's technical end really this slow? Or are they just not doing a thing about it, and would rather correct just the few reports that are disputed by consumers who caught the "unknown late date" bit. Even with these they're giving problems when consumers dispute. Whyspers said she disputed "unknown lates" and EQ verified the first time out. How is that possible? EQ can't explain this. If you write a dispute in, they'll just delete the next time around because they know they're wrong, and could be in trouble. (Makes me wonder how many thousands, tens of thousand, +++ consumers have these unknown late pays, and do not even realize it). If you call, they either play dumb, or hang up on you, or when you threaten to sue, they say "go ahead!", and then ten minutes later those "unknown late pays" are gone.
My guess is that they're just lazy. This is why when you submit a dispute that has valid information that they would have to actually CONTACT the creditor for validation, it just disappears. Or if you've clearly caught them in a outright lie, your problems go away. I swear on most of these 'validations' they're just pulling from their own records. We at creditnet are hip to their game and use knowledge from the boards to get accurate information reported. But just think of how many MILLIONS of consumers don't know about the FCRA and their consumer rights. It's downright scary...
Being it that I only really have bad luck, they replaced my 11 "unknown" 90 day lates with 13 "unknown" 90 day lates after I disputed them. I guess it's their way of saying "don't f*** with us boy and don't be sending in anymore of these frickin' dispute forms. What, do you think we work for a living or something?"