Thanks for advance...I really need some help! Here is my situation: In December 2001 I was sued by a Bankâ??s collection division that I had never heard of...come to find out they were assigned or purchased the debt I had with BoA for a credit card...long story short... we went to court and the judge told their lawyerâ??s flunky they needed more evidence...the issue was also sol, shortly the lawyer withdrew the suit with prejudice! This began my quest for credit that is not marred by my past. Now 7 months later, and a lot of creditnet reading, I want to begin the clean up and I really need some help. All my derogs are from 7/98...All chargeoffs are UNPAID I moved from Florida to Virginia but still have a Fl driverâ??s license. In which state am I a resident? Where you have your License? SOL FL= 4 yrs Va=3 Should I change my license? Or does it matter? The first time I ordered my EQ in March I was a 586 Today I am a 606 and the only thing that changed was a Mortgage was paid off when I sold my house in May. When I ordered my 1st EQ, I also received a letter from a CA (Anchor Receivables) for an old account with Washington Mutual...sent validation request, no response from them. Then I moved and have not sent an estoppel yet. I ordered my 2nd EQ two weeks ago and received a letter from a CA( Arrow financial) for an old account with Montgomery Wardâ??s...I need to send a validation this week, unless there is something else to send since this is also sol. I really need some advice on what to attack first to see the quickest score jump. Collections: reported assigned client amt unpaid dola 12/99 9/97 to medical 235 235 4/97 merch/aassoc 8/98 5/98 to medical 183 183 8/97 drâ??s bureau 2/98 1/98 to medical 102 102 8/97 preferred coll 2/98 12/97 to medical 512 102 8/97 Preferred coll (same acct as above??) 4/02 1/01 to ? 625 625 10/97 fcs _____________________________________________________________________ credit account info creditor open dola high bal status reported BoA 3/95 11/96 4400 0 R9 7/99 charged off transferred or sold burdines 1/96 6/97 0 411 R9 2/98 charged off closed by credit grantor cap one 10/96 5/97 157 929 R9 6/02 charged off credit card 1st north americ 9/93 6/97 300 0 R9 1/01 charged off account transfer or sold 1st usa 9/93 11/96 2394 2394 R9 9/01 charged off closed by credit grantor 1st usa 1/95 6/97 6931 ? R9 4/99 charged off credit card creditor open dola high bal status reported s&p cap/ circuit city ? 6/97 313 313 R9 12/00 charged off account sears 4/95 6/97 0 0 R5 6/02 account transfer or sold collection account va 1st 10/95 11/96 500 0 I9 3/98 charged off transfered or sold wachovia 9/93 11/96 2574 0 R9 8/01 charged off transfer or sold wards/mwcc 4/93 6/97 1378 0 R9 4/02 account transferred or sold Washington mutual 9/96 6/97 2088 1192 I9 1/98 Good Stuff? Amx 3/97 6/02 2085 1199 O1 6/02 BoA 12/95 3/02 62200 0 I1 4/02 mortgage BoA 12/95 4/00 62000 ? I1 8/00 (same mortgage as above) central fidelity 10/94 12/95 2750 0 I1 1/96 Student loan transfer or sold central fidelity 9/93 12/95 5500 0 I1 1/96 Student loan transfer or sold charter federal 8/92 6/95 4800 0 I1 7/95 account pd zero balance citgo 7/96 10/01 200 0 R1 10/01 paid account zero balance closed by credit grantor 1st security mort 2/96 6/96 62200 0 I1 6/96 re mortgage transferred or sold mri assoc 1/98 1/98 2778 0 O5 3/00 National Mortgage 12/91 6/02 59950 52110 I1 6/02 re mortgage va 1st 12/91 8/92 59950 0 I1 8/92 re mortgage Sallie Mae 12/95 9/99 5500 0 I0 10/99 student loan transferred or sold Sallie Mae 12/95 9/99 2750 0 I0 10/99 student loan transferred or sold Washington Mutual 12/95 4/97 0 0 I0 4/97 (see bad stuff above account #â??s vary by 1 digit) paid account zero balance All Advice appreciated
Glad things worked out for you in court.Check Va. law about drivers license and car registration,most States requieresidents to obtain new license and re register car within 90 days. The easiest way to start on clearing up your report, IMO, is to check for obvious errors,like duplicated entries with different #'s (1stUSA) When starting a BIG clean up like this, it is IMO not a good idea to let on that you know anything about your rights,or to use any of the form letters.I wouldnt even rrr in the beginning,just send a letter saying I do not know these accounts, they are both the same name with different #'s and I have no record of them.Once you get back a response,and you will, they will include a printout of your rights etc.The next dispute should also be minor, address or some little old account about to fall off, that way they think you are not going to be much trouble and will be quicker to remove and delete.Take it slow, start disputing on line after a while, always quote from the material THEY send you.Good Luck
Thanks Why-Chat, I know this is a BIG challenge. I guess I should start disputing old addresses and work from there. Someone had suggested paying all the old chargeoffs...but I can't see doing that they are all sol and will come off in 2 years. That seems like a long time but I've suffered this long from "Bad credit". I really need some kinda game plan like: first: addresses and employment next: collections then: chargeoffs with balances then: chargeoffs with no balances What about new cards? I haven't had any since the chargeoffs, except AMX From what I gather I need some "credit" sources other than my AMX and mortgage anyone want to add some theories?
"bump" I really could use another professional opinion or two...or is it so bad to express an opinion thanks
i would do the medical accounts first, they are usually the easiest. I would do dispute/validation combo.
Hey Thanks Uniondiva, I was starting to think I should just wait till 7/04, just kidding. If I'm not mistaken you are saying dispute with CRA and the next day mail validation to CA? I'm going now to search that "combo" dispute/validate. Thanks
yea, get rid of old addresses. Your are ok on the SOL in either state. 1. then dispute cra 2. validate CA or OC 3. estoppel CA 4. complaints and suits I would do a joint dispute. some people say dont do it just 2 at a time. i use to think that. it seems lots of people have had great luck with it. if u dispute 10, u should loose 5. not bad for 1 months work. keep us posted
Could some explain joint dispute, dispute/validation combo? I can't seem to find any search terms to match. Also all my negatives are old chargeoffs and all appear to be with OC's. All the OC's were sent ceist and desits about 4.5 to 5 yrs ago before I knew what I was doing...but they all went away