EQ complain reinsert ltter-RESULT

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mrei, Jul 11, 2002.

  1. Mrei

    Mrei Well-Known Member

    Hi, two weeks ago with the help of a member, I send out a letter complaining to EQ for a deleted CA that was re-inserted 3 months later. Today I got a letter from EQ, thanking me for "requesting a CR". and under that show all neg deleted!!!...
    So..for some of you that are sending those letter, this might be the best result..cannt complain..now my EQ is clean for the first time for 6 years,,,,,

    again..thanks to all the mbr whom help me along the waY....

    ****bATTLE 2 eXPERIAN continues..
  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member


    First and foremost congratulations on your success.

    It's good to know EQ is willing to at least take the responsibility for re-inserting an account, by then deleting without huffing a puffing about it, but even better to know that they may just wind up deleting all negatives just to keep you (the consumer) from filing a lawsuit for the violation(s).
  3. Mrei

    Mrei Well-Known Member

    thank you!
    without you experts advice, I wouldnt have the courage to take the first step anyway..
    thank u all...
  4. combackkid

    combackkid Well-Known Member


    You gotta love it when a plan comes together.

  5. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Way to go!!! I just wish TU would follow EQ's example. I kinda hope that EQ would reinsert the tradeline on me!! Congrats!! Charlie
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Mrei, Did EX or TU put it on your report also? Which tradeline was it, Providian? Charlie
  7. Mrei

    Mrei Well-Known Member

    It was Equifax..
    Assets Accep Corp
    Macy West/FDSB
    Asset A
  8. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Mrei, Would you email me a copy of the letter that you sent? Charlie
  9. Mrei

    Mrei Well-Known Member

    Hi C...
    I am re-posting the letter..(credit goes to lena)

    Dear Sir or madam,

    I am writing you in regards to the above disputed account that was investigated, and deleted, on Nov 11, 2001. The said account was re-inserted in February 2002. I was not notified of this, and I did not become aware of this until May 2002. When I called your office on June 20, two of your representatives confirmed that Equifax did not÷� send notice because the FCRA does not require you to do so. That is incorrect; the FCRA specifically states that consumers must be notified if deleted trade lines are reinserted. I will list the pertinent sections of the FCRA:

    ÂË? 611 Procedure in case of disputed inaccuracy [15 U.S.C. ÂË? 1681i] (5)(B)(ii)
    ÂgÂcÂc(ii) Notice to consumer: If any information that has been deleted from a consumer÷Ã? file pursuant to subparagraph (A) is reinserted in the file, the consumer reporting agency shall notify the consumer of the reinsertion in writing no later than 5 business days after the reinsertion or, if authorized by the consumer for that purpose, by any other means available to the agency. (iii) Additional information: As part of, or in addition to the notice under clause (ii), a consumer reporting agency shall provide written notification of the reinsertion no less than 5 business days after the reinsertion.

    Please provide me with proof that you notified me of the reinserted item. You have 30 days from today to comply with my request. If you cannot provide proof that you mailed notification, you must delete the reinserted information within 15 days of completing the investigation.


    CC: Equifax Consumer affair
    Maynard Bryant
    (404) 745-7954 fax (404) 745-7941 direct line

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