Eq and score update????

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kozman, Jul 12, 2002.

  1. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    Say on today's date you have 2 collections removed from your CR and your CR reflects the removals, how long does it take for your score to catch up? My score hasn't budged 636, but the collections were just removed today. I heard that the scores lag sometimes, is this true. I hope so. I can't see having my 2 collection accounts deleted w/o a score change since the only other reason for my score, according to EQ, is 3 inq and that my ratios are at 50%. As always, thanks!!!!
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I can't figure that out, either. I had an old chargeoff removed and my score didn't budge. It was the last derog, but then again, the score did go up when I put it into dispute, so maybe I just didn't get any futher increases in score because of that.

    Also, I recently paid down from 76% credit utilization to 60% utilization and didn't see my score move from there, either...and that's been three days.

    Oh well...

  3. tix

    tix Well-Known Member

    I spoke yesterday to the fine folks at Equifax. (LOL) I was told that a collection account, and two out of four duplicate collection account were deleted from their system and a Judgement is marked statified. Can someone let me know if the following makes sense. The customer service rep said that even though it was updated in their system, it would not show up on the credit report until 7/25.
  4. tix

    tix Well-Known Member

    By the way, a quick check of my online Equifax credit report reveled an increase of 12 points on my score. Does anyone know if I will receive an additional increase to the score when the info is updated?
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    When you put items in dispute on equifax, it then calculates your score as if the disputed items were not there. So, if those items are then deleted, you will not get any more points as it already was recalculated without those items.

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