Validtion letters to CRA?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tincuptw, Jul 12, 2002.

  1. tincuptw

    tincuptw Active Member

    Dose anyone one have a validation letter that they have used directly with the CRAâ??S? I have three negatives that only have maybe a year and a half left. I want to at least give it a shot. My score is almost to 600, would like to get it over that. Any help would be appreciated
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    validations letters do not go to cra's. dispute letters do. they are posted on the letter forum. you can pick the sample letter and edit it for your situation.
  3. tincuptw

    tincuptw Active Member

    Your right, I got that one backwards lol! Have you had good luck with getting things deleted?

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