Any Danger w/ Credit Monitoring Svc

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by stenwick, Jul 12, 2002.

  1. stenwick

    stenwick Well-Known Member

    Is there any danger to signing up with Experian or Equifax's credit monitoring service?

    It seems like if they have a permanent record of all the times you pull your credit reports each day, this takes away some of the ammunition if you decide to pursue legal action against them.

    Can't they say that the customer was obviously attempting to do a quick credit fix?

    I would think that the CRA would be less likely to delete an account if they saw row after row of credit monitoring inquiries.
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    you have the right to see your credit report and legally ask for verification of any incorrect amount. what if they do think you are repairing your credit.. the most they can do is label dispute frivoluous or ask if you are using a credit repair organization. they cannot legally refuse to investigate or delete information .. even with a frivolous claim, if you give them additional information, they are still supposed to investigate.

    DOITMYSELF Well-Known Member

    I have heard that after the many INQ from looking at your report everyday your credit files becomes so large they split it up between two files making online access impossible. I too am looking for a way to make sure this does not happen to my file. As a rule of thumb when you are in dispute with a CRA about accounts how often should you look at your CR. One a week? It seems to me that pulling your CR everyday would not be somthing you NEED to do unless you have quite a few disputes going at different times? Suggestions

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