Your thoughts on Citi.You?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by richard612, Jul 12, 2002.

  1. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    I am an existing Citi Plat holder with a 17.5k CL and prime+2.9. I just got this pre-approval notice for a Citi.You card that recognizes the fact that I'm an existing Citi cardholder. OK, that's clueful of them.

    No annual fee, rate is prime+5.99, and there's 0% BT offer for 12 months (no fee with this offer, otherwise 3% 5/50).

    What really turns my crank is this bizarre "Charge card" feature where new purchases aren't added into that month's revolving balance for interest purposes. See:

    This seems like a sure bet, if only for the BT offer. Does anyone know if I could combine later? I'd keep my Plat Select since it's my oldest tradeline...

  2. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

  3. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I think Citi.You is good looking card. They charged too much for the annual fee and the APR for purchases is too high (compared to other Citibankcards 9.74%). By the way, you can get Hilton Hhonors Visa Signature with no pre-set spending limit and NO ANNUAL FEE. By the way, 0% APR for purchases for first six months afterwards 12.74% APR (is lower than Citi.You). Only thing it is not smart card.

  4. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    This Citi.You offer is better than what they're offering on their site. Current interest is 10.74 (prime+5.99) and there's no annual fee. Plus I'm pre-approved and there's no blank line on the app for "employer's name." That's a very good thing right now.

    That rate is still too high, but I think I'll jump on this and SOCK DRAWER it for a year. I'll revisit the issue again when the BT promo period is over.


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