Question on a closed acct

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by K&J, Jul 14, 2002.

  1. K&J

    K&J Member

    I am so new to this and I'm having trouble understanding some things....

    I have an acct with AT&T Universal Card that I settled on last November. I didn't request deletion of the negative tradelines or any changes to their notations on my CR.

    Is it too late to ask them to remove the negative remarks? For instance, the Creditor's statement says Acct closed at grantor's request and there are 25 late pays listed in the past 7 years. As of 3/2002 my credit report shows a $0 balance.

    How would I go about contacting them to have their notes removed? Is there anything I can do with this one or should I let it go since it's been paid and is reflecting a $0 balance?

  2. KCPaul

    KCPaul Well-Known Member

    It seems once paid you lose much of your bargining power.
    Maybe someone else has an idea.
    Seems like quite a few lates though.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Here are two options:

    Dispute with the CRAs as 'never late'. If they cannot verify the lates they have to either delete the lates, or delete the entire account, which is most likely, given the experiences I have read on this board.

    Or you can ask the OC to not report the lates, but as was mentioned, you have lost your edge once the account is paid and closed. But it would not hurt to try. Look for a post called "Thanks all, wish me luck". It has a letter called the 'Goodwill Adjustment' letter, and modify it to suit your situation.
  4. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    goodwill is really designed for a current account with late pays. for a closed account that is fully paid, use the 'nutcase letters" . please read the posts concerning the nutcase letters before you use it. ask if you have any other questions.

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