Re: Demanding Validation (procedura Would like to - where can it be found? That post by Breeze was certainly enlighting!! Thanks Breeze!
Re: Demanding Validation (procedura Spears V. Brennan It's long but a great read.
Re: Demanding Validation (procedura Butch, If one would shepardize both cases one would have a treasure trove of cites to hang a hat on so to speak. Out of curiosity I did shepardize spears vs brennan and I have it at my office. I can shepardize nelson vs chase on monday. I had lunch with an atty friend today and asked the question re:ftc opinion letters...very interesting response...I will email it to you. clc
Re: Demanding Validation (procedura That's good to know. It confirms my belief that notifying the OC is the thing to do on this situation I have with the tripled account entries.... Butch, interesting link info..thanks!
Re: Demanding Validation (procedura Marie: Thank you for this info....whew! I have gotten so many important facts from you. I appreciate it! P.S. Sorry for the double post..I'm catching up on this great thread and I posted twice in my excitement with the info I was reading..eeek...
Re: Demanding Validation (procedura Butch & LKH, You guys seem to know about this: "A copy of the required certification". Just exactly what is it and what type of information is contained so that if you do receive it, you'll know that the certification has indeed been included in your request. Is the CRB responsible for providing that if you ask? Is it part of the verfication information that they get, but conveniently forget to include? Should that also be asked of the CA?
Re: Demanding Validation (procedura As far as I am aware, certification is only in cases of items previously deleted, that have been reinserted. If that is the case, the cra is supposed to get certified proof of the debt from the reporter of info. I believe if you request it, the cra must provide this info.
Re: Demanding Validation (procedura OK, that is good to know. So in the first attempt to get verification from the CRA (assuming a line item was never previously deleted), no mention of certification is necessary. Also these are things you never need to ask the CA if you are asking for validation - correct? How about Completer Analysis (I guess from the CRA?). Should that be requested on your first attempt at verification to the CRA.
Latest dispute CA/CRA at same time results: Sent validation request to CA on July 8. Disputed same exact tradeline with CRA July 8. Tradeline shows deleted on CreditExpert on July 14.
Marie, Do you have the link to where I can find the Texas law that states the 30 day limit? Thanks in advance. Charlie
Re: Demanding Validation (procedura Do these procedures apply if the CA is acting as a 3rd party? Meaning they (the CA) has not inserted any information into my credit profile, rather the creditor is the reporting agent.
Re: Demanding Validation (procedura What does shepardize mean and have you finished the sheapardization? (made up word). Can I get a copy of hte response from your atty friend?( Thanks
I'm having trouble with this... While I understand the idea, and think that it will work in most cases, how exactly is the information furnisher legally liable to US if they supply inaccurate information? "§ 623. Responsibilities of furnishers of information to consumer reporting agencies [15 U.S.C. § 1681s-2] (a) ... (b) ... (c) Limitation on liability. Sections 616 and 617 [§§ 1681n and 1681o] do not apply to any failure to comply with subsection (a), except as provided in section 621(c)(1)(B) [§ 1681s]. (d) Limitation on enforcement. Subsection (a) shall be enforced exclusively under section 621 [§ 1681s] by the Federal agencies and officials and the State officials identified in that section." The reference in (c) says that a State may collect damages, on behalf of a consumer. Sorry if I missed something, but I just don't see how I could sue a furnisher and feel confident about my position.